Wednesday, May 19, 2010

longing for the sea...

We desert dwellers try to find some ocean inspiration every summer. If we are lucky, we head off to the coast for a few weeks. If we are not so lucky, we bring little bits of the ocean to us and put Jimmy Buffet on the stereo.

Our home is cozy. Cozy is good when you are sitting in front of the fire with your sweetie, enjoying the moment. Cozy is good when you are paying your electric bill. Cozy isn't quite as good when you have a problem with dishes. I squeeze them where I can. I try to stick to things I know will be versatile. These star plates were a gift and only came out at Christmas. It wasn't until I started thinking about the sea that I realized they could play a role during the summer too. Pretend they are starfish, okay? All thoughts of Christmas are erased. They are starfish.

I don't remember where I got these glasses. They are an unusual color, a little bit pink, a little bit brown.

It was fun searching the house for little bits and pieces. I went to get the shells and found the candles, bottles and stones. They had been completely forgotten. It must be time to reorganize again.

I like the contrast of textures in my home, especially in tablescapes. This runner was purchased for our autumn table but I have found it to be so versatile.

Night has fallen. We light the candles. We feel the cool breezes. Keith Sykes is singing, " The Coast of Marseilles". All is right with the world...even if we haven't left home.

turquoise plates - Target, several years ago
star plates - Pottery Barn, several years ago but I think they continue to pop up at Christmas time
napkins - Pottery Barn, last year
napkin rings - PB
glassware - old
candles - Timber ocean by Illuminations
shells - personal collection with special thanks to K
tablerunner - PB
chargers/placemats - Target
flatware - "Beads" by Wallace

Thank you so much to Susan for hosting. This is so much fun! Please join Susan and all the other tablescapers at:


  1. beautiful pics, i love the turquoise color, but the bobcat is outstanding...

  2. Loving your ocean inspiration. Blue in all shades and variations is my favorite color so this was perfect to see.

  3. Now you know I'm lovin' this coastal tablescape and thought you might like this info...Mr.CC went to high school with JIMMY BUFFET and his sister Lucy.


  4. I love your simple elegance!! Your table is so fresh and inviting. I'm so glad that you stopped by.

  5. Stunning! I love all the soft aqua you have worked into your tablescape.
    You can use the star plates for any patriotic holiday, too.
    Can't wait to see what you come up with next week!

  6. Here on the edge of the prairie we also long for the ocean! Your table is just gorgeous -- love all the textures and the soft colors you're included. Good thinking about those star plates! They work well with your beach theme. Thank you for your kind comment on my table this week -- and welcome to blogging!

  7. Barbara, you just managed to do a tablescape with my favorite colors. This is truly my favorite shade of blue, and I love your plates and things, the bottles, all of it! Great job! I would have thought you lived near the sea with this beautiful tablescape. Great job!


    Sheila :-)

  8. Barbara, I was logged in from my email address. That's Sheila as in Mrs. Magpie. :-)

  9. What a beautidul coastal tablescape! I love the turquiose color and I love the bottles. Your star dishes works very well....Christine

  10. Those of us in the Rocky Mtns need a bit of the ocean too! How calming and tranquil-thanks for sharing with us!

  11. Hello Barbara! Your table is really fabulous. I love all the accessories you discovered to make the table so reminiscent of the sea. Those starfish plates are wonderful :0)
    I'm glad you saw their dual purpose...
    Love the shades of blue...

  12. Looks very tranquil! I love the star dishes, they'd be fun for the summer holidays too! And of course the bobcat pic caught my eye...

  13. Love your table! It is so soft and calming. All the pretty seaside details are just wonderful!

  14. Barbara, I can feel the breeze, too! This is a very convincing ocean tablescape, just like sitting on the beach. And I wouldn't have one tiny thougt to christmas, if you had not mentioned it. That's so far away of your azur table and the plates are starfish, what else.
    Really lovely tablescape.
    Greetings, Johanna

  15. I love your centerpiece. Your tablescape makes me want to go to the beach! Joan

  16. Your beachy tablescape is so pretty! So restful looking and you have some very pretty dishes.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Hi Barbara,

    Very creative! These star fishes will now have a dual purpose and why not? The turquoise is the color of the ocean and the beige the color of sand. Totally great. Thanks for sharing!


  18. Love your ocean tablesetting and I think you were very creative to use the star plates. Just lovely! Joni

  19. LOVE your colors! So refreshing and ocean-like!


  20. This is a beautiful table for a soft summer night. Amazing how we can use pieces we think are out of season...your table runner for example! I am loving those little blue bottles, too!!

    Thanks for coming by...we DO have a lot in common!


  21. wow, i love all the pieces that are doing double duty, and i really enjoy your blog and writing style. this sounds like a strange adjective to descibe it, but there is something gentle about it. i'm not sure if that makes sense.

    anyway, thanks so much for stopping by the cape on the corner and for your encouraging words on my first tablescape. i wish i could link up with more, but i have only one other set of plates, and like you, i lack the space to store them.

  22. Thank you so much for leaving that sweet comment on my blog about the tablescape. I hope the next one I do will be a little nicer.
    I absolutely LOVE your dishes!!! The colors are beautiful! Your bottles, and candles, and runner are so beachy!!!
    Nice to meet you.

  23. Sometimes,home is the best place to be and especially so when you've created a "get-away" tablescape like yours! The starfish plates are wonderful! The runner and chargers add to the beachy feel. Your whole centerpiece is perfect.

    I know the feeling of going to find something for your table and discovering other items you had that are perfect - like you said, it is fun but it also makes you feel like it is time to organize!


  24. Any one would be lucky to dine at this table. It definitely takes me to the seashore! Beautifully done!


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.