We are so blessed to have all kinds of wildlife that like to hang around our place. The list is long but our favorites are the bobcats.
The first time I saw one, I was home alone, not even certain of what I was seeing. The second time, M was here and with some looks through some books, we were certain of what we were seeing. K was going to have a party the next night and I was worried about how humans and bobcats interact. I called the Desert Museum for some information. The expert asked if I was feeding them or providing water. I told her that of course I knew better than to do that. She asked if we had a pool. When I replied yes, she told me that I was providing them water. She asked if we had a bird feeder. When I replied yes, she told me I was providing them with food. She assured me that hanging out with a big group of crazy 12 year olds was not a bobcat's idea of a good time. There were no problems at the party.
Since that day, we are always on the look out for bobcats and we have had many. We have had several mamas who have brought their kitties. I have watched for hours (and had the sore shoulder muscles from photographing them) as the babies learned to pounce and hunt. We had one show up just as we were about to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner. We have had a mating pair. We even replaced the old windows in our living room, not because we were inspired by more efficient windows (although we were) but because they were so old with hard water build up that it was difficult to shoot pictures of bobcats through them. We can go months and months without seeing one but this is the time of year that we get most hopeful, and start wishing. We often wonder if some that we see now are related to the ones we saw many years ago. As weather gets hotter and hotter and there are fewer and fewer places to find water, they will often show up for some shade and a drink.
I hope that this blog will have many posts about bobcats future but for now here are some shots of bobcats past.
These shots are of a mama and her 3 babies from last October. I am not sure how the babies got in but they had some trouble getting out.

Mama kept walking down the top of the wall, trying to encourage them up but they weren't able to do it.

She finally got to a place where we have an old wagon filled with small firewood for the firepit. They jumped on that and then jumped on the vine to get themselves over the wall. There was too much vegetation for me to get any shots of that but I sure did laugh watching them scramble.
So for now, we are wishing and hoping that soon we will have some bobcats that want to pay a visit.

I'm linking to the fun at "Outdoor Wednesday".
you have no idea how lucky i feel to have found your blog... omg this delights me so much! what a treat treat treat! my neighbor has seen the bobcat, it eats his chickens, i have never seen them once living here... there are mountain lions here too, and again, no cats for me... well feral cats galore, nothing exotic~
your shots are outstanding, and such a pretty backdrop too!
i am beyond smitten with your kittens...
Oh, what a lovely story! I have always adored bobcats and their feline tenacity! Thanks for the great photos!
They certainly are beautiful creatures! I think I would be just a tad shaken if I saw an adult bobcat in my yard. Nice to know they aren't interested in being around during a childs birthday party!
I have really enjoyed visiting your blog! Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving your comment!
Kindly, ldh
Hello Barbara
I am enchanted by your bobcat photos!You captured so much of their personality. I really don't know much about them, but they do look like large cats, although I'm sure they are much fiercer and as wild animals I'm sure they would attack a domestic pet.
I'm adding myself to your followers.
Regards, Pat
What beautiful creatures. Great photos too.
Oh, Barbara, are they cute. I love all cats but to see this wild ones must be really amazing. The photo with the playing kitties and the turtoise is magazine worthy. So great.
Greetings, Johanna
Dearest Barbara,
How precious and what a beauties they are; mama bobcat with the kittens! Thanks for sharing that!!!
Greetings from Georgia,
These are beautiful pictures and I LOVE that you love them so! We have them too and I also LOVE watching them...
Thank you for your wonderful post and keep us up to date on them...
Your photos are so wonderful! What a great experience, thank you for sharing it!
WoW these are great shots and what a fabulous experience!
How lucky for you to be able to watch these fascinating bobcats! Great shots!
Hi Barbara,
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Gosh, I love this post about Bobcats! I've always wanted to see one in the wild. You are so lucky to have them visit you! I hope they visit again soon and I hope you can take loads of pictures to share with us.
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