Friday, July 30, 2010

apparently on vacation, lounging by the pool...

This is an older image but one that makes me smile. We're still hoping we'll see babies this summer but no sightings yet.


  1. oh i love when you share these kitties :-)

  2. Barabra,
    this photo make me smile, too. Aren't this kitties sweet. And Mommy is a beauty, too. Love your blog.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Wow, incredible!! I was excited to see a hummingbird this morning, but no way could I get a photo. I'll just enjoy yours! One of the girls is at camp so the "sheriff" and the other one are fairies today. Should get photos of that, lol! Have a great weekend!!

  4. And I was worried about our mangey coyote. Wowowowowow. What gorgeous babies. I love how they reserved the chaise. Thanks for stopping by to see us last week. Jane F.

  5. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrl... beautiful creatures!!!

  6. Oh my goodness, they are beautiful. I love how they are watching you take their picture. I do believe they are posing!!! Wonderful picture.
    I love my alpaca pictures but your bobcats and hummingbirds are not on a ranch. You are very skilled.
    I am so glad to be a "follower" of your blog.
    It's wonderful.

  7. oh wow!!! This is amazing and gorgeous.


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