Thursday, October 7, 2010

picture fall, week one...

I am participating in a photo sharing workshop called “Picture Fall”. It was just what I needed to jump start my photography after a long, hot summer. Tracey gives us a prompt and we photograph it. Sounds simple, doesn't it? I find myself thinking and thinking about these as I go about my day. I pick up my camera many times as something else comes to mind. I love it! Here are this week’s images:


  1. I love "kiss your life!" I like the way you're presenting this at the end of the week, too. Enjoyed them all!

  2. did capture it. How on earth did you get such a great shot of the hummingbird. I can never capture ours. These are beautiful photos.

    Thanks for visiting me!

  3. Barbara,
    you are an artist in photography. I love the hummingbird picture. And the other ones are wonderful, too.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Hi Barbara,
    I agree with Johanna-you are an artist. I love all your shots but the hummingbird one is amazing.I have tried to get a good shot of them but they are always blurry.

    Thank you for your kind words,

  5. your images are wonderful, easy to get lost in them... i am torn which i like most, you have captured the essence of fall for me, all you need in persimmons and you have ca on a plate.

    you enjoying freedom?

  6. Yes you are an artist!! How beautiful your photographs always are. I wish I could do that, but I cannot. The little hummingbird is amazing, but they all are! Thanks so much for stopping by:-)

  7. Stunning photography! Beautiful interpretations of the theme...

  8. Those are just beautiful! Wow - I love the shot of the camera! Fantastic!

  9. found your blog from the online class - have enjoyed reading it - your images are stunning...

    Andra (Juniper June)

  10. i popped over from picture fall and the hummingbird is fantastic! i love your photos and you are the most supportive person who seems to comment on every photo! thank you!

  11. Fabulous pictures! You have quite a talent and a great eye for light. Did you take all of these this week or over time? How does the "Picture Fall" work?


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.