Wednesday, November 10, 2010

an unexpected visitor for dinner...

We are so happy to be eating outdoors again. The weather is perfect and we enjoy the visitors that join us. My first step was to cut some sage to use on the table. I was completely influenced by this lovely table that Jain shared. I have had this sage but for some reason have never cut some to enjoy on the table. As I was cutting it, there were others who were enjoying it even more.

I just took a little bit to enjoy on the table.

I wasn’t very happy with the light when I first photographed this table. When I decided to try again, I was surprised to see that we had an unexpected visitor. Can you spot her? (hint: look at the top of the flowers in the vase.)

We enjoyed this table after dark.

And during the blue hour.

And you would think this is the end of the story. It isn’t.

I brought in everything off the table except the vase of sage. I decided to leave it outside. Because we sometimes have bobcats that visit, I decided to put the vase on the table that was under the patio roof so it wouldn’t get bothered. Imagine my surprise the next morning to see a hummingbird at the vase enjoying her breakfast. I startled her a bit when I went outside with my camera but soon she was back allowing me to shoot as much as I wanted.
It was as if I set up a photo shoot with a hummingbird; perfect light, perfect distance and even a comfy place to sit. If I had only known it was this easy…

The sage was gathered on Saturday. It is still on the table four days later and the hummingbirds are still enjoying it. I can't get over their tiny little feet!

Please join Susan and the other tablescapers for some lovely tables at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. How cute. You have a beautiful table and beautiful photos!

  2. Stunning photos! How thrilling to see the hummingbirds up close! Your table is gorgeous -- the purple and green elements with the pretty sage are just right.

  3. What beautiful pictures! Love your dinner "guests" How nice of them to pose for you -- with all that going on, we might have forgotten to also note what a lovely table you've set as well

  4. Another beautiful table, and more fabulous hummingbird shots. Our hummingbirds left several months ago, but they've never let us get close enough to get a clear photo.

  5. Your ability to catch the hummingbirds in flight is astounding. I love the colors and the evening light is wonderful. Of course I love the colors of the flowers and the plates. So pretty and you are still enjoying lovely weather as we had snow flurries today! I am jealous.

  6. I love your table. it's very inviting and comforting and the colors are perfect. Your pictures of the hummingbird are fabulous. What a splendid opportunity for you and for us. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I thought this one was beautiful to begin with and loved the purples with the green. When you showed it in the blue hour, it was stunning!!

    How lovely!!

  8. oh i love this! i love the purple and green too, a favorite combo for me. i love your guest, i had one too on my table, BUT i didn't have my glasses on and i was too slow trying to find settings and focus to capture it, i hate being old and blind... i just have a blurry pic i shared, but naturally have perfection! and you even got a butterfly... what, no eagle? wheres the bobcat? YES I HAVE GREEN EYES! you know i love your skills, beautiful table, better dinner guests :)

  9. The purples are just lovely. I saw some chargers yesterday at Michael's that would be perfect on your table, and they were on sale 2 for $3. How is your photography class coming along?

  10. LOVE your visitors! Excellent photos of your hummer & butterfly too. What a magical setting in the candlelight :-)

  11. This is amazing. I have never experienced a hummingbird so close. It also emphasizes just how small they are. Love the colors.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Barbara!!! Your little visitor is so beautiful and your photos of her eating are superb! I love the purple and sagey greens. I just saw a special on PBS about hummingbirds and the science of how they hover! I think it is on the PBS website still if you are interested. Beautiful table, setting and photography. Linda

  13. stunning! your photography is outrageously beautiful. I am following you! Lezlee

  14. Barbara,

    OMG! How wonderful that you have hummingbirds and butterflies hanging around your table. Your tablescape is beautiful.

    Thank you so much for stopping by to visit. I decided that I had better find out the pattern of my husband's china, since you and Lisa were both curious. It is "Sylvia" by Noritake.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week!


  15. Great shots of the hummingbird. I know it isn't easy cause they are so fast....Christine

  16. Well what a delight this is! Your table is lovely too! It's so interesting to see how people live all over the country. It seems so lovely where you are! Best to you, Jacqueline

  17. Hello Barbara,
    I am so exited about your hummingbirds. Aren't they like flying elves? So delicate and cute and graceful.That's the best and most precious centerpiece I could imagine. The table ist wonderful. You made my day with those photos.
    Greetings, Johanna

  18. Your weather is still fantastic. Am drooling.

    Your table is absolutely stunning, plus the hummingbird? Perfect!

    Happy TS…

    Greeting from a freezing Stockholm.

  19. Our hummingbirds are already gone for the year. They sure do love sage.Beautiful candlelit table

  20. Hi lovely lady, I love your centerpiece and the table is Beautiful, Your hummingbird are so sweet.

  21. The sage is just beautiful. Your whole tablescape was just wonderful. But the pics of the hummingbird were amazing. How great was that!

  22. This is the first time I've visited your blog. When your homepage opened up, I was immediately taken with the clarity of the very first tablescape photo. Then I scrolled down. WOW! Where did you learn to use a camera?

    Since I'm just learning about the parts of a blog, I didn't know what "followers" meant exactly. But after seeing your blog (scrolled down all the way), I took the time to find out. Now I'm all signed up. See you again soon.

  23. Lovely table and exquisite photos of hummingbirds!

  24. What a feast for the eyes! The colors are absolutely beautiful, the way nature pulls it all together. I love the shots of the birds. I watch them a lot each morning in my back yard. Thanks for coming by my blog; about the dress? I will probably do a post about our anniversary close to Christmas, since we got married on Dec. 22.

  25. I am just speechless! Your photography is WONDERFUL! The way you caught the hummingbirds and the butterfly. The green and purple are a HIT together! I see that little shiny pumpkin too its just FAB!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!!

  26. Your pictures are so amazing. I was in awe of the blue hour photos and then I saw your hummingbird. Wow, not only is your table setting so pretty (love the night shots)but you really captured the wonders of nature in this post. I didn't know sage was purple!

    Thanks for visiting me:)


  27. Hummingbirds, butterflies, bobcats, and blue hour.....just stunning surroundings and photography! Thank you for sharing, and thank you for stopping by my blog. I am going to follow you!!

  28. beautiful table and great lighting,,,,and what a lovely morning surprise!!!

  29. Wow! You really did capture the moment with that hummingbird. Stunning! And your table is so welcoming. A really lovely set of photos.

  30. I love the table, everything about it. We would not be outside right now, way too wet. I have not seen our hummingbirds in some time either. I love the pictures your were able to capture, and I will remember to use my sage on the table next time I can.

  31. How cool is that??!?!?!!! Wow! I had no idea sage attracts hummingbirds, and that one really liked yours! Beautiful!

  32. This is one beautiful tablescape with an amazing bonus! the hummingbird! Thank you for sharing your lovely design. Cherry Kay

  33. Your colors are stunning and your photos perfect. Thank you so much for sharing.

  34. Beautiful pictures.... especially the hummingbirds.

  35. Your table is very striking with the deep purple, white and green napkins. You got some amazing shots of that little hummer.

  36. What beautiful photography! To be able to capture a photo of that little hummingbird is quite an accomplishment!

    Pretty tablescape and flowers! I smiled when I saw your color scheme. I have those same colors planned for my tablescape next week! LOL!


  37. I love the pictures. Especially the "blue". Just gorgeous. And what a delight to have a little friend visit your table. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leavinga comment. I appreciate it so much. Hope you will come back again.

  38. Barbara, what an unexpected treat you received! Thanks so much for sharing with us. I doubt I'll ever be that close to a hummingbird again! And you've inspired me to cut some sage again next year. I haven't used it in awhile; I wonder why I stopped... Have a wonderful weekend.

  39. What a treat all the way around! This is the true meaning of serendipity! I love the purples at this time of year. They remind me of eggplants, and rich, red wines. As for the hummingbirds . . . wow! Magnificent! I think we've enjoyed them almost as much as you have vicariously through your photos. O.K., so now, how do you top yourself . . . ?

  40. Your photography is amazing. I love to see birds and bees in a photo. Thank you for visiting My Cozy Corner. I wanted to visit you and take a peek at your beautiful blog.

  41. Lovely table with unusual fall colors...very different and very nice!!
    And I love love love the visitors to your place.
    I adore when critters visit.
    You got so many wonderful shots of that lil
    Hummingbird, she is so sweet!
    I have never seen one up close and personal,
    but would love to!! Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos, and for the lovely tablescape. That sage is gorgeous, never knew it looked like that! Awesome and to have it growing in your backyard, how fun is that, especially when it attracts all this fun wildlife.
    Certainly enjoyed my visit hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  42. Barbara, these shots are just MAGNIFICENT!! I'm amazed that you could capture that hummingbird.
    Love the colors you used with the fresh sage, too. I know you are glad to have the cooler temps now. So is my baby sis (lives in Gilbert, AZ)

    BTW, you might want to delete "once upon a moon" from your favorites list in your profile. Jain took it down so the link is dead. Just a thought.

  43. It is lovely and serene - what a delightful setting - even the butterlfies and hummingbirds could not stay away! I love it by candlelight.

  44. Gorgeous outdoor setting. The hummingbird photos are darling. Love the Blue hour!

  45. This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a very long time! How privileged your are to have had such precious company.

  46. Barbara,

    All of your tables are beautiful! Your photography is equally stunning. I'm so inspired by your work. Thank you for posting.


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.