Monday, December 13, 2010

lots of visitors...

He decided to come out of hibernation, about 3 months too early.

He decided to terrorize all the little birds that live around here.

He decided that some purple sage was just what sounded good for lunch.


  1. she decided to share some great pic!

  2. Hello Barbara,
    what a wonderful wildlife you have around your house. Thank you for this gorgeous photos. I am always in love with your humming birds.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Great photos, Barbara...I am a sucker for hummingbirds...they are so fascinating.

  4. Hi Barbara, I've been trying to photograph the birds at my feeder and am realizing how quickly they move and flit from place to place--for their own protection I suppose! I would love to capture a hummingbird with my camera! I did manage to post a few birds today! Linda

  5. Guess it's this crazy December weather we're having that is bringing out your tortoise a bit early. Our friends in Minnesota said the high there yesterday was 2 (yes two) degrees. Why does anybody live there? Give me our winter weather any day of the week, month, year. Love it. Thanks for sharing these shots. By the way, how long of a lens do you use when shooting wildlife?


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.