Thursday, December 30, 2010

weighing in on 2010...

Despite the struggles of 2010, all the important things are still good and true. I have a roof over my head. I have enough to eat. I love my husband and he loves me back. My mother is close. I have children who delight me and friends with whom I can laugh and cry.

Does anything else really matter?

Here's to 2011!


  1. such a beautiful post, may 2011 be joyous for you~

  2. These are definitely all the things that sustain us! How wonderful for you.

    Wishing you a Happy New Year, Barbara!


  3. Dearest Barbara,

    The secret of happiness is being content! We all have so much to be grateful for, compared to most people on this planet. We've seen it all through our jobs all across the world. That made is very rich inside our hearts and enormously grateful too. Complaining is no right for most people in the western world.
    So let's look positive into the New Year 2011 and I wish you a good health and personal happiness!!!

    Lots of love,

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  4. A beautiful post, Barbara. This year has been filled with joys and much sadness, and your message rings so true. The best of 2011 to you and your family!

  5. So very true! Thank you for your thoughts. Happy New Year!

  6. Your post brought tears to my eyes and humbled me. What a beautiful message.

    Thank you.

    A fellow "Picture Winter" classmate

  7. your photos are stunning You have a great eye and a beautiful area to photograph you are a great inspiration in picture winter class too.
    PW name simpkiss.


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