Tuesday, January 4, 2011


love the days of early morning freeze we have been getting...
hoping my garden will survive...
spotting this little woodpecker feather on fallen saguaro ribs...

"Frederick Days" indeed.


  1. Amazing detail in that shot... There is such beauty in the world around us, thanks for sharing!

  2. Dearest Barbara,

    Oh, if you love the early morning freeze's frosting, please see my blog of today about Papa's 90th birthday. My birth home is shown there in a photo by my youngest brother and that is FROSTY!

    Enjoy your little treasures in nature and lots of love,

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  3. Barbara,
    your photo skills make even the frosting freeze to a wonderful experience.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Barbara, I'd missed your Frederick post, so I'm glad you mentioned it here. I love the idea of "Frederick Days!" Your photograph (and those in your prior past) are absolutely stunning!


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