Saturday, January 1, 2011

why nothing gets done in my kitchen...

I decided to make some tomato soup for lunch today. I knew it would taste good after all the holiday foods. As I was gathering the ingredients, I heard the "something wicked this way comes" screaming from all the birds. Our Cooper's hawk had decided to pay a New Year's Day visit.
Photos before soup.


  1. Great shots...he is a beautiful bird..happy new year

  2. Dearest Barbara,

    Your soup recipe looks yummy and your photos before the soup are marvelous. I envy you for being in such natural surroundings for capturing such great images! The front and the back you got and HOW. Thanks for sharing this.
    Happy New Year once again and hope the soup was good after a job well done.

    Lots of love,

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  3. I visit your blog from time to time, and I discovered today that we are enrolled in Picture Winter together. Looking forward to more of your work!

  4. Great photo's.What a beauty.
    Happy New Year..2011


  5. Barbara...he's beautiful! The birds do go nuts, don't they...when a hawk comes around.


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