Sunday, February 13, 2011

a change in plans...

This morning, we bundled up early to go watch the blue herons. It is nest building season and we love watching them fly with branches in their beaks. We left the house and headed west. There in the sky was another sight. The herons would still be there next weekend.

We were going to chase balloons.

While I keep my eyes peeled to the sky, WB is excellent at translating:

"Turn this way."

"I need to get beyond those wires."

"I need to have my back to the sun."

"I like the colors on that balloon better than this balloon."

He always manages to get me in just the right place and at just the right time.


  1. Fabulous! We have a hot air balloon show here once a year. It's mobbed, but one year we went and I loved it. These are all wonderful, but I just love that black balloon.

  2. Hello Barbara,
    I once attended a ballon show also. It was a fabolous event to see and HEAR all the ballons. And to see them gliding in the sun. Thank you for bringin back the memories.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. And, if you have never taken a ride - then you should!!! Have a great week, and thanks for sharing. Sandi

  4. if only my husband could speak my language...

  5. You and WB make a great team! My MIL wanted to ride in a hot air balloon, so we did that for her 70th birthday -- 20 years ago. She still talks about it! I always love the colors - and you captured them beautifully today!

  6. Dearest Barbara,

    That is an excellent post with professional pictures! Compliments, especially for such an event that you were not planning for.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones!


  7. Every time I see hot air balloons in the sky I am fascinated. You did a wonderful job capturing them. Linda

  8. Wonderful story in images and words. With so very little, you told so much!

  9. Oh how I miss those blue skies of the Southwest. They simply cannot be beat.



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