Thursday, February 24, 2011

February treasure...

This month, my mother gave me a very special gift. These silver hurricanes were a wedding gift for my parents from Dr. Horowitz. He delivered my father. I like thinking of the days when family doctors were considered part of the family, invited to weddings.
My parents were married February 12, 1953. Upon announcing their engagement, my grandmother had one request. Please don’t get married in February, like your sister. February can be a brutal month in the east but a honeymoon waited in Bermuda so that February date promised the tropics.

These candlesticks survived moving from New Jersey to Arizona to Indiana to Arizona, and then to three different houses in southern Arizona. But I was nervous to move them the five minutes between my house and my mother’s. I waited until WB could drive so I could keep them on my lap from her house to ours. They were wrapped in every dish towel I own. As you can see, they survived just like they always have.

So these lovely hurricanes have not left my table since she gave them to me. I like them unpolished and my mother is okay with that. So far they have flanked hydrangeas, pink tulips, red tulips and now these. For me, silver works with anything, even a casual table like this.

Please join Susan and other wonderful tablescapers at Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. I agree, beautiful silver adds to any table...your table is simple but very elegant. Gorgeous tulips...

  2. Lovely storey behind the hurricanes. Nice to have treasures such as that. And your table is pretty. So rich and simply elegant.


  3. Dearest Barbara,

    Aren't you lucky with such special silver heirlooms that do have a lovely story to tell! Those are true treasures and yes, it does add elegance to a casual setting as well to a very stylish one. Keep them 'alive' with their candle burning...

    Lots of love,


  4. So nice to visit you today, coming over from BNOTP. I have some very old etched glass over-sized hurricanes that I couldn't part with for the world. xx's Marsha

  5. How sweet of your mother to give them to you! I would be very nervous with them as well because of the sentimental value. They look beautiful on your table. I love your dishes, too!


  6. Hello Barbara,
    yes, I agree - silver goes with everything. And makes every table nicer. The hurricanes are real treaures with this beautiful etched glass. Your table is lovely and I really love the napkins - such an outstanding embroidery.
    Greetings, Johanna

  7. I love when my mom gives me things that she has used for years! I am so happy for will cherish them forever. Everytime you look at them you will think of the doctor and your mom. I just love looking at things and remembering the wonderful, thoughtful people who gave me them. Treasure them! They are beautiful!
    Blessings My Friend,

  8. Wonderful, wonderful story! I love the pop of red on the neutral table.

  9. How wonderful that you've been entrusted with keeping the hurricanes for the next generation! Your table looks beautiful -- I love the contrast of the white against the dark table with the red tulips as a splash of color. I enjoyed the story of your hurricanes, too! Thank you for visiting me this week!

  10. Hi lovely lady. your Tablescap looks Beautiful with the Hurricanes so sweet of your mom !!!Looks lovely with the Red Tulips and the Dark Table. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my Tablescapes so sweet of you, xxoo

  11. i have those exact candleholders and hurricanes from my grandmother. what are the odds...

  12. You and I both truley appreciate the precious family treasures. The hurricanes are so special. Both of my children received these exact silver hurricanes as wedding gifts from friends who live in Connecticut. They are still being made! They are the perfect appointments for your lovely table. I'm so glad that you stopped by for a visit. Come anytime. Cherry Kay

  13. ABSOLUTLEY AMAZING! I just love the way your dishes contrast the dark table. The pop of red from your tulips really is beautiful. Those hurricanes are just too wonderful for words! Your table is breathtaking! Thank you for stopping by my blog!!!!

  14. Beautiful hurricanes~ I love the etching on the glass and hearing about their history! I hope you enjoy them on your table for many years to come!

  15. How special those hurricanes are and how wonderful it is that you are their current keeper and can enjoy them. They are quite stunning! I so love the shape and the class is fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing their story. I love them with the bare wood of the tabletop and the chunkiness of the dishes. Your table is quite stunning.Thanks so much for dropping in and leaving such kind comments.

  16. This is a very special gift indeed. What a treasure.

    Are you coming to the AZ bloggers tea on March 26th?

  17. Oh what stunning pictures! Those hurricane lamps are so beautiful and I completely understand your transport worries. So glad they made it to your place safely. :) Such a great piece of family history! The tulips look amazing amongst your lovely setting. :)

  18. Your table is so elegant and dramatic. The hurricanes shed the light but the table itself is so beautiful. It's been such a delightful day blog hopping through posts like this one. Thanks for stopping by to see our crazy stuff. Jane

  19. They are beautiful. I many times have held or seat belted precious items during a move. I get it! So glad you can enjoy them now!!

  20. Beautiful photography, beautiful hurricanes, beautiful tulips...I love everything on the dark wood of the table. I also love the Valentine message - Valentine's is special to me because it is also my anniversary. Thanks for your comment, too.

  21. I love stories like this! Thanks for your sweet comment on my post today -- I really appreciate it. Your table is beautiful and I really like your dining room table and chairs.

  22. Your silver hurricanes are lovely, and the story behind the pair is just as wonderful! Family treasures are just the best:)! I think I have told you before, but I feel such serenity when I visit your blog, Barbara:)!

    Off subject...but I have to say, the picture of that bobcat is just beautiful. A common siting, I am sure, in your area.

    Thank you for stopping by for a visit to my blog. It is always lovely to hear from you.

  23. Oh, you live near your mother! Mine is a 16-hour drive away... I love that you're the newest caretaker of these family treasures -- and that your mother can still enjoy them ... and see YOU enjoy them! Another beautiful table, Barbara.

  24. Such a beautiful family treasure. Your table is beautiful and the hurricanes with the tulips is a delight for the senses! Dianne

  25. Thanks for your sweet comment. I love those hurricanes...and your dishes look so pretty with your dark table.

  26. Barbara -- those are such beautiful hurricane lamps made even better with the story behind them. I love those white plates that just are so simple yest so classy. Joni

  27. There is nothing more precious than that which comes to us through those we love.

    You are indeed blessed to be the current caretaker of something so beautiful. But we never really own something like that. We just protect and preserve so that each subsequent owner can bask in the beauty that we once so much enjoyed!

  28. Hi Barbara! Those silver hurricanes are so more ways than one! ;-) It's lovely that your mom has entrusted them to you...I know that gift must mean a lot.
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my tea for two..that was SO fun! :)
    Have a great day

  29. Hey there!!! Happy Friday! My computer shot craps yesterday, so I was offline ALL DAY!!! I was absolutely frantic! My husband came home around 11 last night, assessed the problem, and has now temporarily gotten me back up and running. What a nice surprise to open my email and see your nice comment! Thanks for stopping by! As for your beautiful table, I am in love! There is a great serenity about it. A calmness. The candleholders are lovely, and I am glad you have such a wonderful treasure with such a fabulous history. I, too, long for the days when the family doctor was a part of the family. My husband is a physician, and he still has that kind of "bedside manner" that was so appreciated back in the day. He doesn't get to employ it as much as I think he'd like to, though. God bless your sweet Dr. Horowitz. His gesture has created an everlasting memory for your family! Have a great weekend!

  30. You are lucky to have the hurricanes and even more so to know the story that goes with them. You know, sometimes I wish I had more silver, but when I married I needed sheets and towels more and returned all the silver for more practical things. Now, all I have are engrave silver pieces my husband won sailing! Oh well, better than nothing.

  31. What a stunning setting!! Those tulips just scream out elegance amongst the gorgeous dark wood and crystal.

  32. Barbara, Nothing quite so spectacular at my home, but you did mention you would like to see up close. I posted a picture today called China Cabinet. Please take a glance.


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