Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ahhhhh, peaches...

I wait all year for peaches. I eat them on my cereal, for snacks, for dessert and sometimes, if WB is lucky, I will make a pie with them. For me, I am happier with just a ripe, juicy peach. Nothing else needed.

Fooling around with Photoshop and textures. I really don't have a clue but it sure is fun. Aurora texture by Kim Klassen.


  1. Hello Barbara,
    peaches are fruits from heaven, don't you think so? I love them plain also as best. Or topped with raspberries and cream. Yum! Your photo is such a lovely vignette.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. beautiful... i have missed you posting, your pics always soothe me.

    not a peach person... i can't stand the fuzz, gives me chills in a blackboard scratching kind of way... i will take a nectarine any day~

  3. Barbara, it's good to see you tonight! Peaches aren't my favorite fruit, but I absolutely love them in still life pics and paintings. Yours is no exception! I'm curious what kind of bowl you used. At first glance I thought it was made of wood, but now I see the shape of the peaches through it. Hmmm...

  4. Peaches are one of my favorites, and Tracy's favorite peach pie is a peach praline pie. It will be a few weeks yet until our local ones appear. One summer I made five peach pies in one day and froze them for the winter. They were delicious, but it was more work than I wanted to attempt again.

  5. We have also been enjoying peaches in all forms! It is hard to beat a fresh peach -- especially cut up over vanilla ice cream.

  6. So nice to have you back, Barbara! I've been peeking a couple of times a week to see if you'd returned! YAY!! Don't you just love Kim's Aurora texture? It seems to work on almost anything! Lovely image but more importantly, "she's baaaack"!

  7. This image worked so nicely with Kim's texture - beautiful. Now I want a peach to snack on!

  8. Don't you love peach season?! Your photo is beautiful~ it would make a great canvas for the kitchen! Photoshop intimidates me~ I always see these wonderful creations with KK texures.

  9. Peaches are my favorite fruit, and I agree the best way to eat them is just plain. I got some really wonderful ones from South Carolina this year. I even made peach peel jelly-it is delicious.

  10. I love peaches too! I'm waiting for the local orchard to have them ready for picking! Love your picture and the texture you used. Make me want to learn to use them!


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