Sunday, October 23, 2011

hoot, hoot...

I woke up this morning to the hooting of great horned owls. Every year, in mid October we start to hear their calls. Most of the time, we hear them. Once in a while, we see them, usually at dusk, impossible photography conditions.

This day was different. The light was perfect. I could catch him with my long lens. He seemed to be posing for me.

I was able to very slowly, get closer and closer.

Then he got a bit camera shy. {or perhaps he was looking for lunch}

Then he told me, in his special owl way, that I had gotten too close. Luckily, I can speak owl. {I have to admit, later I was surprised I got this one. He was scary!)

It's been too long since this special encounter. I keep looking for him in the same mesquite tree, hoping I'll see him again.


  1. Gorgeous pictures!!! He is beautiful. XO, Pinky

  2. Dearest Barbara,

    What a joy to read your posts all the time! You had a chance to capture some excellent shots of this great horned owl and the last one, phew, that must have been scary indeed!
    Enjoy your new week and keep indulging yourself in the wonderful wildlife around you, that way we get to see some of it too...

    Love to you,


  3. I often hear owls during the evening but I have never seen one...What a gift this great owl gave you by posing for you! You captured him perfectly!

  4. Hello Barbara,
    what a wonderful owl. I have never seen outside such a big one so close. Stunning photos. They should be printed in a magazine.
    Thank you for sharing this.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. that last one with his wings spread is amazing! he really is looking right at you. so glad you were able to capture that!

  6. OMGosh, Barbara! These are the most awesome shots!

  7. Oh Hallelujah...I can now post on your blog. Something prevented me before, but all is well now. Love the pics of the owl. I have never been this close to an owl, in fact I have only seen one owl in our neighborhood in 30 years. Love seeing yours!!

  8. These are spectacular, I have never had the privilege of seeing them in the wild, you are so lucky, and to have captured that last one, WOW!

  9. I don't know what I would do to see one of those... my favorite bird! They're such lovely and mysterious creatures... great job capturing the 'fleeting' moments!


  10. Barbara~ What beautiful photos of such a gorgeous creature! I'm so envious you spied him, I don't have the lens that could do him justice though. Wonderful capture of him spreading his wings! Thanks for sharing these amazing photos :)

  11. Barbara, I'm so glad I decided to catch up on your last few posts tonight and didn't miss this one! These pics are fantastic, but that last one ... incredible! (Yes, it does look scary, too!) I am always amazed at your incredible photography.


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