Thursday, October 13, 2011

it's baby time...

I have told you about our desert tortoises, Norm, Tillie and T.R. here. It is finally cool enough to be out with my camera again. I was out photographing hummingbirds and look who decided to find me?
We won't know if she/he is a she or a he until he/she is about 10 years old. Meanwhile, there is a lot of growing to do. Right now, he or she is about 2 inches long.

P.S. I want to thank those of you who responded to my letter post below by mailing me a real letter! What a delightful surprise!

Another P.S. My other blog a photo a day keeps the blues away will start again next Tuesday.


  1. So THAT'S where you've been! I was just thinking this morning that I hadn't seen Barbara in awhile... New life in all its forms makes for an exciting post!

  2. Dearest Barbara,

    That is lovely! Dessert tortoises that is so special. Almost tropical...
    Love to you,


  3. Love babies of all kinds. So sweet and cute.

  4. I just can't get over how tiny he/she is!! Love the shoot with him in your hands!! Thanks for sharing a little more of your desert with us!

  5. How did you ever find something that small or how did it find you?

  6. Hello barbara,
    the young turtles are so cute. The older ones are real miracles.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. I love tortoises of any kind, lucky you to have them as family members. Love the bobcat, tortoise photo. Glad to see you back to blogging, love the butterfly pictures, just gorgeous.

  8. I should have come here as soon as I saw that baby tortoise picture! They are are your photos:)


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