Thursday, November 3, 2011


When I was a little girl and was feeling under the weather, my father would always tell me to go get some sun. I have been following that advice for many years and it always seems to help. Usually, I have a book, today I had a camera. I was unable to count but there were at least six hummingbirds buzzing around me this morning.

He was enjoying the sunshine too.

This one made me laugh. He was shaking like a wet dog. Maybe trying to keep warm?

Do you see him sticking his tongue out?

All puffed out trying to keep warm.


I am not sure that I have seen the spotting on the underside before.

It is hard to pick up the amazing color some of these hummingbirds have. Look at the neck on this shot.

This is the very next shot, same bird. He just turned his head a little bit.

I am so glad I had some company this morning.


  1. These are absolutely stunning photos! Thanks for sharing...

  2. I did not know that hummingbirds ever stopped flying...terrific captures, each and every one!!

  3. These photos are amazing Barbara! And these hummingbirds make our New England hummers look dowdy in comparison:) We only get ruby throated hummingbirds here and that red throat is very difficult to least for me...

  4. Incredible pictures, Barbara! I love the one of the hummingbird with his tongue out!! Hope you feel better soon!


  5. Hi Barbara,
    those are so cute and pretty birds. You took great photos. Thank you so much for sharing.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. Incredible amazes me that you can see the tiny thin tongue so clearly.
    Have a great weekend, Barbara!

  7. Barbara, these hummingbirds are amazing -- and so is the photographer! So glad you shared!

  8. such wonderful pics... i am at the age where i can never shoot them... i see them with no glasses, i need glasses to work the camera, 123 they are gone by then... rinse lather repeat, its endless for me.

    i love hearing them, i still hold the camera hoping i can set back my eyesight to those better years...

  9. This is The.Most.Amazing photo study of hummingbirds! They're so hard to find much less capture and you've mastered this. You need to get these published somewhere. Fantastic!

  10. This is my most beloved bird, and your pictures are just lovely.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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