Thursday, December 22, 2011

an iris for Christmas?

This December may turn out to be one of the coldest on record. We haven't had a high yet this month that has hit the average temperature. While those who love Arizona for its warm winters may not appreciate it, I am loving every bit. Last Christmas Day, we had dinner outside without the need for sweaters or jackets but definitely sunglasses. Tonight, there is a possibility of snow. Yes, snow. I am hoping and hoping.

Meanwhile, there is a little treasure in my yard who is very confused. It is very short and its first bud froze last week. This is its first bloom. As much as I have enjoyed the peek into spring, I am hoping it will understand that it needs to come back in March. In March, it will love being here.


  1. Its called Clarence, a reliable rebloomer, mine can go 3 times a year. On cell so will be brief, merry christmas~

  2. Dearest Barbara,

    What a strange weather indeed... We had high 70s on Thursday!
    Hope nature will settle again for spring flowers.
    Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year with or without snow...



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