Tuesday, December 6, 2011

keeping spirits bright...

My children will not be home for Christmas this year. They are adults. This is not a shock nor unexpected. Despite just seeing them at Thanksgiving, it is hard. I love being with my kids. They continue to interest and delight me, even after all these years.

The season is taking a different turn this year. Instead of being filled with expectations and busy plans, it is a little quieter, a little softer. The house isn't filled with every decoration. The tree is purchased but not up yet. The stockings aren't even hung.
So despite a bit of a melancholy feeling, I am keeping spirits bright. I am celebrating the many December birthdays we have. We played in the snow on Sunday. I had lunch today with some of my dearest friends. WB has done his usual bang-up job finding new and fun Christmas music. I even helped - check out the Puppini Sisters doing "All I Want for Christmas is You". Andrew Sisters meet 2011. Amaryllis are in the window, slowly, slowly starting to grow. There are branches filled with tiny white lights.
"He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming, it *came*! Somehow or other... it came just the same."

And we can't wait...


  1. Well I love your images and they certainly reflect your charming and positive attitude. Your posts make spirits bright.

  2. It's quieter here this year, too. Will see one daughter's family sometime but don't know if it will be here or there (in NC). Either way, I'm taking it easy, too. No stocking hung here yet either... and I'm okay with it. Love your pics! Enjoy this stage of life!

  3. Barbara, you're a trouper! Love your spirit. On those rare Christmases when our daughter was not able to be with us, I was despondent. Yes, I know her in-laws have a right to their son and his family, too. But I hate sharing them at Christmas. Maybe there's a support group for people like me. ...sigh...

    That said, I'm wishing you the mellowest, quietest,most beautiful Christmas ... and I will be thinking about you.

  4. It has been a little quieter here the past few years, too. Your photos are outstanding, Barbara.

  5. Well first I love all your photos, they always reflect your loveliness. And 2nd I am feeling your pain about less for Christmas, I have already shed a tear or two. Keep your spirits bright!!

  6. I miss having my kids around, too...at least one will be here for Christmas!

  7. Neither of my children will be home this year either. It's the first year in the 31 years we've been parents, so I do feel blessed that we had someone here for so man-years. We spent Thanksgiving with Sarah and Adam and hope to see Matt in January. Nonetheless, it does feel quite different, and I'm working hard at keeping spirits bright! :-)

  8. By looking at your delicious photos one would never know that you were having a quieter Christmas...your photos are wonderful and Christmas spirit inspiring!!

    I adore the Puppini sisters:) Will have to check out their Christmas songs!

    It is difficult for me to manage each change in how we gather to celebrate the holidays too...our family has become sadly smaller in someways and happily larger in others and each change brings a change in how we can get together.

  9. LOVE that Brownie camera... sooo CUTE!

  10. Hello,
    I visited your blog today. Your photos are so pretty, colorful, and full of life! I was looking at your other blog also. We love Photography too. You know, I really loved your spirit even though you are away from your kids this Christmas season. You have such a sweet and simple blog filled with beauty. Me and my daughters started a blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you. Your blog is filled with wonderful pictures, and I am leaving here today with a smile. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.