Tuesday, March 20, 2012

happy birthday, Mr. Rogers...

Thank you for your gentle kind of quiet and respect that captivated my children long enough for me to get lunch made. Thank you for showing us that love, respect and simplicity were things we all need. We still miss you. I just want you to know that we didn't name Kate, "X, the owl", like her brother wanted but I am sure she would have worn the name proudly.


  1. I'm right there with you, Barbara. We loved Mr. Rogers, too, and I do so wish he were still around for my granddaughter.

  2. Wonderful post! We adored Mr. Rogers, too. He handily was on TV just after we all got in from work/school/preschool, and it relaxed ALL of us to spend a little time in his delightful company!

  3. Every time I come in the house, take off my coat, and then zip up one of my cozy fleeces I think of Mr Rogers. We were lucky to have him as our children were growing up. My girls watched him as I was preparing supper too:)

  4. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood when Mr. R was around! Happy Belated Birthday Mr. Rogers!



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