Wednesday, March 28, 2012

we're all enjoying the spring weather...

I took a walk with a dear friend this morning. It was filled with joy as we talked about the birth of her first grandchild. After our walk, we sat in the garden with a cool drink. As we sat there, my fingers were itching for the camera as I spotted one creature after another, enjoying the garden too. After she left, my husband called to tell me he was coming home for a quick lunch between meetings. We sat in the garden, enjoying lunch. As we sat there, my fingers were itching for the camera as I spotted one creature after another. After he left, I finally was able to grab the camera. Then my fingers were itching to use it because I was not spotting one creature after another. As I got up to go inside, it began.

He may be out of hibernation but clearly, he is not quite ready.

The hummingbird didn't stay long at all. I haven't spotted any nests yet but they are very clever.

This finch was very helpful, removing bugs from the rosebushes.

This lizard was sunning on the warmth of the terra cotta tortoise.

Happy Spring!

Several bobcat sitings over the last week but too fast for my camera. Hoping, hoping to see babies this summer.


  1. Amazing photos! I get so distracted when I see the butterflies and birds - so glad you were able to capture all these to share,

  2. No wonder you were distracted!! What a wonderful variety of creatures in your garden! The butterflies are just beginning to arrive here. I'm usually not fast enough to capture one! I keep working on it though!! Lovely, lovely post!

  3. Well, you linked to the beautiful tulips you shot but I had to comment on the amazing shots of this post! The sky is a lovely shade of blue! Beautiful as always!


  4. Beautifully done with the butterflies and hummingbirds, not easy to capture either.

  5. Wish I'd been sitting there with you and trying to capture all the beauty of your spring garden! Looks like you had quite a few visitors and I'll keep my fingers crossed that those baby bobcats come a'calling!

  6. I'm glad you had the patience to wait for these creatures to come out again! I am always amazed that you get the wings of the birds in flight so clearly! Can't wait to see the bob kittens! Linda

  7. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon....Gorgeous shots!

  8. Such a lovely post! Time spent with a friend and wonderful critters coming out to enjoy the spring!

  9. Lovely photos of your garden visitors. It's still cold and rainy here in Victoria so I really enjoyed a glimpse of your spring afternoon.

  10. Those photos are the antithesis of spring!

  11. I'm with Linda~ your hummers in flight are so amazing, I can't believe you capture so much detail! Gorgeous butterfly shots too~ thanks for sharing your garden visitors :)

  12. Stunning photos - love the hummingbirds!


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