Thursday, January 3, 2013

snow day...

If the rare snow finds its way anywhere near here, we enjoy it.

This old truck is so photogenic.

Auditioning for next year's Christmas card?

Click on this one and you will see the blue sky and sun reflecting in this drop of snow.


  1. So cool, Barbara and that you have someone to take you to the snow. I will not drive in it so I will have to live through you.

  2. Oh, Wow! I'm really jealous. That looks so pretty and wonderfully cold.

    Just as it should be in January. I'm afraid it's beginning to warm up again here.


  3. beautiful its been too long since I have been here.

  4. Your shots are beautiful! I'm glad you reminded me to click to enlarge--the reflection is amazing in that last photo. Happy New Year! Linda

  5. these are awesome the last one!


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