Sunday, April 21, 2013

flying saucer...

The desert is in bloom. I intended on sharing those photos today but no time to write much this morning. This is the queen of them all so for today, the post will be dedicated to our flying saucer cactus.

A couple of weeks ago, it looked like this.

I was sure I took a photo yesterday of the buds again but I guess not. This time of year, I spend more time with the roses and the iris. But this morning, I walked out front and found this.

The blooms are eight inches in diameter.


  1. Oh I am sorry I missed this one on my recent trip. Enjoy the blossoms!!

  2. I haven't heard of this one before, and will have to look for one. Simply gorgeous, love how you took images before they opened. Love all your angles, that is what I have found hard about these large blossoms.

  3. Oh my oh my! Gorgeous! The roundness of the petals, and then the long delicate stamens (?) coming out of the center...such beauty! And you captured it just like magic! Love your talent.

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous cactus bloom! Your garden must be a joy this time of year with roses, lilacs, and cactus blooms. Magic!

  5. Beautiful! Amazing the flowers that cacti can put out.

  6. I so miss Arizona this time of year when the cacti are in blossom...just gorgeous, Barbara.


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