Tuesday, April 16, 2013

impossible to understand...

Our prompt for TT this week is celebrate. Of course, this was decided long before the events of yesterday. I tried to think of what I could possibly celebrate today. Then I heard these words.

Our hearts are heavy.

Full paragraph excerpt from President Obama's message to the American people April 16, 2013:

We also know this: The American people refuse to be terrorized, because what the world saw yesterday in the aftermath of the explosions were stories of heroism and kindness and generosity and love, exhausted runners who kept running to the nearest hospital to give blood and those who stayed to tend to the wounded, some tearing off their own clothes to make tourniquets, the first responders who ran into the chaos to save lives, the men and women who are still treating the wounded at some of the best hospitals in the world, and the medical students who hurried to help, saying, ‘When we heard, we all came in,’ the priests who opened their churches and ministered to the hurt and the fearful, and the good people of Boston who opened their homes to the victims of this attack and those shaken by it. So if you want to know who we are, what America is, how we respond to evil, that’s it: selflessly, compassionately, unafraid.


  1. Beautiful photo. Words we need to hear. I will never understand these things ...

  2. i will just never understand this world. but this i know...your art and your light make it more beautiful place. thanks for sharing it.

  3. Beautiful photo. But, your bobcat photos are really great. You are so lucky to have them. I used to have a fox that would sleep on my deck, but a bobcat is wonderful . . especially with kittens.



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