Saturday, April 13, 2013

rescue rose...

Many years ago, there was a large chain store that had a garden department. The chain store still exists, the garden department does not. The garden area was manned, as chain store garden departments often are, by people who knew nothing about gardening. If you were there within the first week of a delivery, you were in luck. After that, forget it. Needless to say, it was not my favorite place to shop. The garden department was never my sole destination but if I was there for some other reason, I would take a quick peek. One day, I happened to start talking to one of the employees. She was gathering the spent plants to throw away. I asked if I could take the pathetic looking miniature rose. I wish I had a before photo. She was happy to give it "to a good home". While it is not a rose that I would have chosen to buy, I have been happy to give it a good home.

It has thrived.
Later, she found out that this was not a store policy. She could no longer give me plants that were going to be thrown away.

I would have given them a good home.

1 comment:

  1. who doesn't love free plants! i always did that too, then they all stopped and sell them now for 1/2 price, i still wheel and deal though!

    its too hard to id a a simple yellow iris name for you, it depends on bloom time, height, form, etc, especially since there are 70,000 registered iris plus and gazillions not, clarence was easy, its distinct. that yellow one is called carolina gold, its really fabulous, heavy waxy yellow early bloomer and strong strong stocks and color, its an old variety and i am thrilled i stumbled upon it!

    hope you found sally, it is such a prize to me. anytime you visit my blog just look for the tags on garden if you just want to see greenery, then it won't be hit or miss for you next time, it will always been green :-)

    happy gardening to you, just heading out for a full day~


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