Saturday, August 10, 2013

wrap it up...

When I was a little girl, I thought it would be so much fun to be the person in the fancy department store who did the gift wrapping. Do stores even do that anymore? I was nosy enough to want to see all the gifts. I would imagine the recipients surprise and of course, awe at the amazing wrapping job I would provide. I haven't changed much. I still love to wrap presents.

These days, I know I wouldn't make it a day as a department store gift wrapper because I am not too excited by sparkly ribbons and flashy paper. I tend toward the simple. For years, I have wrapped most packages in brown kraft paper. When my kids were small, we would decorate the paper with their drawings. One year, after a way too ambitious apple picking day, we used the very small ones (gathered by very small hands), cut in half as stamps to decorate the paper. With a sharpie, I added a few green leaves and black seeds to their stamps and we called it good.

Today, I am wrapping a gift for my daughter. She lives too far away. I miss her. She misses us and the desert. This video came out this year and it is wonderful.

I highly recommend it to anyone who loves the desert or is curious about the desert. I have already bought 3 copies and I imagine I will buy more. Take a moment to watch the trailer.

I decided to wrap her present in kraft paper stamped with images of a tortoise.

We have desert tortoises that hang out around here and I know she will like this. I stamped with more intent than I usually do.

I liked the idea of lining up the images rather than the randomness I usually use.

I should have placed the present a little differently on the paper but then it left me with the perfect place for the ribbon.
Then I switched to twine. You can't beat "brown paper packages tied up with string".

I just have to give you a peek at my roll of paper. After years of picking it up here and there, I finally committed to a huge roll. It makes me happy to have it at my disposal for everything. I can't get over how often I use it. I bought my roll and the dispenser at
Love their ribbon too.


  1. this is a sweet post, I wonder if I can find this dvd, will try...I use brown paper, newspaper, cloth, etc but usually lean toward binding string instead of ribbon, I love this gift wrap! I'm sure your daughter will love both it and your dvd, it is awful to miss a loved one....

  2. such beautiful thoughts behind your post, loved reading every bit of it and the thought and process.

    You are an old soul and I like that about you.

  3. I, too, miss my daughter who has lived way too far away for many years. This month she has moved 2/3 of the way closer, but it's still a long drive. Now that I have a grandson, it seems even farther! Miss being in regular contact with you.

  4. What a wonderful post, Barbara! So happy to see you here. :-D

  5. such a sweet post on so many levels~

  6. Dearest Barbara,
    Wishing you both a very Happy Anniversary!
    Hugs from a wet-wet Georgia,

  7. Such a loving and beautiful post, Barbara. Warms my heart. I must get that video, will put Pat on the search. So happy to see you blogging.
    oxoxox Pam

  8. What a perfect gift, and something that I think I'd like to see too. Beautiful wrapping, beautiful story. I'm sure she will love it. :)

  9. One of my daughters moved away last year, and I didn't know until she was gone what a difference her absence would make. We are big users of brown paper, too, so I love seeing your embellishment.


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