Thursday, August 20, 2015

finally, a tablescape ...

In my absence, I've still been having fun with my tables. Somehow they just haven't gotten photographed other than a quick shot or two with my phone. My dear friends joined me this week for our every two weeks gathering. This week was my turn. After I washed the linens, the flatware and the dishes, I stacked them on the dining room table to put them away. When I saw them this morning, I remembered that today is Tablescape Thursday. So, everything went back in it's place even though the actual gathering was on Tuesday.
We are so lucky. We have been friends for years and try to meet every other Tuesday. Sometimes life gets in the way, but it has been easier since our children are grown.
We are in the hottest part of the year. Although many of our meals here are eaten outside, this wasn't the day for it.
Blue and white always feels cool and calm to me but I did add the orange napkins.
There are lots of colors to pull from these dishes.
This group of women is so important to me. We have been through a lot together. There have been heartbreaking times and times of complete joy. Through it all, we keep meeting every other Tuesday.
They have wisdom and insight. They know when all another needs may be a nod of understanding or a hug. Other times, we talk and talk and talk it out.
Every Tuesday there is a lot of laughter. A lot of laughter.
There are Tuesdays that have been filled with tears but even on those days, we still laugh. It is so very healing.
Our opinions can be diverse but it doesn't matter. We solve the problems of the world. We debate the issues, all with respect and love.
I am so blessed to have these women in my life. So very blessed.
As you can tell, I set a simple table. Sometimes I like to fuss and make it more elaborate but for the most part, I am most comfortable with simple.

Joining Susan and everyone else (finally!) at Tablescape Thursday, with Sherry at Home Sweet Home, Southern Savvy Style, Rustic and Refined, The Scoop and Your Turn to Shine.


  1. How wonderful for you to have friendships that have withstood the test of time. I can imagine your group seated around your table discussing the things that matter most in your lives. The table setting is so inviting and cheerful, perfect for welcoming good friends to come in and stay awhile. Have a wonderful afternoon.... Candy

  2. Love your table setting Barbara! I am so in love with blue and it just looks so wonderful with the warm tones. Those chargers are awesome too!

  3. I loved your table setting and all the wonderful accessories you have used. I so enjoyed reading your words. It is wonderful to have such friends. I am still friends with people I went to Elementary school with and they are a treasure.

  4. Barbara, blue and white is always a classic! Your table is lovely, but the friendships you described are a real blessing! Enjoy your time with these ladies as you share life!
    Pam (

  5. This table is simple but so beautiful! The dinner plate with the blue and white so pretty with the bright color as a great touch. Your darling metal pail with the beautifu bouquet presents a great centerpiece. Please come over and view my week's post!


  6. what an incredible tradition! I have a lunch group that used to meet every month, and now we are lucky to meet every six months! Life will definitely get in the way if we let it! Your table is perfect for this transitional time of year, the summer blue and white accented with orange for a hint of fall. Love the bucket centerpiece!

  7. Oh I love the idea of this tradition. I meet with a friend every two weeks for lunch- it used to be three of us but we recently lost one of our little group. Your dishes are wonderful and I like the pop of orange with them. I'm admiring the decorative elements in the room too!

  8. I love your table, the colors are SO pretty! I have a group of women friends too, we were all neighbors when we were raising our children. We get together for everyone's birthday and each year we take a trip to the beach in Sept. Last year was our 40th trip!!!!!!!!!! I, too feel SO blessed to have these women in my life. XO, Pinky

  9. My group of friends from high school (graduated 45 years ago) meet every month at a restaurant close to where one of us works (the last friend not retired!). It truly is wonderful...

  10. Oh I love your tablescape! Love those colors!

  11. Isn't it a blessing to have friends and to be one. You set a lovely table for them and I wish you many more laugh filled Tuesdays.

  12. Barbara, it's great to see you back in Blogland!

    What an amazing gift to have a group of longtime friends to gather with on a regular basis. Knowing they'll be there for you through life's ups and downs—and you for them—is such a blessing! (I'm glad you shared your tablescape, too. The pops of orange are perfect for your late Summer table!)

  13. What a joy to have friends who get together every couple of weeks. You created such a lovely tablescape for them. I love blue and white tablescapes, but your touches of orange make this table more fun.

  14. What a nice table and I'm sure your friends love it as well as the fellowship. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


  15. Cute table with touch of soft tones. Everything goes so well with each other. Hope you had a wonderful time with your friends. Thank you for your stop. Have a beautiful week. Love Sujatha:)

  16. What a lovely tablescape and your china is gorgeous! It's sure looking a little like fall specially with that cute centerpiece...I want one! I'm sure your friends loved it as I do... besides been so blessed to have them often.
    I meet every month on the last Wednesday with at least 10 friends for Rosary prayers and after it for tea time at my house and for almost 2 years now. It's great, isn't it?

  17. That is so nice to be able to join with your friends each week. I can see why they like to visit....Yous set a lovely table! Those rustic candlesticks are beautiful!

  18. Maybe simple, but so very pretty! That is such a lovely idea of friends gathering on a regular basis.

  19. Just beautiful! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

  20. Hi Barbara, I've missed your tablescapes and seeing your wonderful nature and bobcat photos! What a wonderful tradition to have lunch with friends every two weeks. Your dishes are perfect for this transitional time of year and I love the pop of orange...I'm dreaming of pumpkin weather but it's about a month away for us!

  21. Barbara,
    A lovely Tablescape for your Tuesday Gathering, dear friend!!!
    The classic blue & white is superb with the touches of orange and green!!!
    I love the vivid hue of the flora in the galvanized bucket as your centerpiece!!!
    I belong to a similar group that meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
    I agree, those ladies (sisters) continually bless my life!!!
    Thank you for your sweet visit and comment!!!
    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!!!


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.