Thursday, October 29, 2015

'something wicked this way comes"...

Our host would like to welcome you to a Halloween celebration.  You can see by that grin that he is happy to see you.

The table is set outside for this spooky night. The almost full moon illuminates our dinner.  Only the best china and silver will do.

Will there be eight brave enough to accept his kind invitation?

At twilight, the wind began to blow as the first guest arrived.  The light began to fade which meant the photographer needed to leave and let the party begin.

A good time was had by all.  Happy Halloween!

Joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch, Christine at Rustic and Refined


  1. Oh my...exquisitely frightening! Love your table creation! Sheila

  2. Ooh how fun! You caught the lighting perfectly. Love the skeleton under the glass on the books!

  3. No Halloween tricks here as your table is a real treat. As always I'm jealous of your camera skill.

  4. This is one way cool tablescape. I love it! I think one of my favorites I have seen this week. Truly speaks Halloween.

  5. This is so delightful it's scary! Bring on the spooks. And next Thursday, I hear tell some lovely spooks may be heading your way. :-D

  6. Such a spooktacular table and host Barbara! I had to chuckle at "You can see by that grin that he is happy to see you" :) I love the atmosphere from your outdoor setting. I hope the eight brave souls lived to tell the tale and dinner! Happy Haunting to you!

  7. What a great tablescape and fun blog post! Can't wait to see what you come up with for Thanksgiving!

  8. Ah! So wicked! I love everything! That's really frightening. Lovely!

  9. What a "spooktacular" table! I love every bit of it. You have inspired me to think about a table for next year, thanks!!!

  10. The table setting looks like it was done by a professional! It is truly outstanding!


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