Thursday, July 15, 2010

it's so nice that they allow us to hang out with them...

Can you see the pollen flying on this one? This is the one of the few times we have spotted a nest. Click on any photo to view it larger.


  1. What stunning images! I'm humbled when I look at your photographs after you were generous enough to say kind things about my efforts. I agree that autumn light is very, very special.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Wow Barbara, What wonderful pictures and what fun...all the nature around! Your table looks so inviting. Love those bluebird napkin rings and I envy those Bouganvillea. We can get them to grown from Spring till frost here Ohio, but wintering them over seems to be least for me.
    I'm so happy to be a follower..just to see who pops in your yard ;D and more tablescapes.As a matter of fact you'll find yourself on my blog list too.
    Hope you stop by a gain.

  3. Hi Barbara~
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments. Your blog takes my breath away...your photographs are spectacular! You always paint such a beautiful picture of your life. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm your newest follower!

  4. Oh my goodness those are breathtaking photos, really! Beautiful! My attempts to catch my woodpecker here have not been so fruitful. Gorgeous!

  5. Your photos are incredible! I can't believe the detail, expecially on the wings of the birds and butterflies! And the Bobcats are so adorable--I have a weakness for them as they are my college mascot! Linda

  6. I meant to write "especially" not "expecially", but I'm sitting with my laptop actually on my lap (he he)! Linda

  7. Barbara, how cute! How stunning! I love humming birds so much but we in Germany can see them only in the zoo's bird house. One evening, we were very amazed that something like a real humming bird was sucking on our oleander. It was quite busy and restless and hard to focuss. But in the end we saw, it was no humming bird but a Hummingbird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum).
    It is also a nice animal. Your photos are fascinating and spectacular. The sharpness and clearness ist just artful. And the humming birds look as if they know, you are part of the family and won't hurt them. The nest ist unbelievable. I guess, it is the big eyes what make them looking so cute. Thank you so much for sharing. I made a link to your blog at my sidebar, is that o.k.?
    Greetings, Johanna

  8. Oh Barbara your images belong in a coffee table book. Just stunning! We have a feeder and have about three coming every year! The feeder is right outside my kitchen window. I can't get over how beautiful your pohotography is.

  9. your photographic skills are amazing, those birds are the toughtest to catch since they are so darn fast... i am glad you mentioned the pollen, incredible pics~

  10. Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.
    Love seeing your photos of all the animal & bird life around your home - thanks for sharing.

  11. Your photographs are truly amazing. I have tried to photograph my hummingbirds and it is hard.

    Tell us about the nest. What kind of tree.? How high? What type camera and lens did you use?

    Is that the male and the female. How spectacular!

  12. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! I love your post below too! Thanks gor stopping by my blog

  13. Oh my, those are such wonderful photos! I have never had any luck taking pictures of the hummingbirds that visit. You have a great talent!

  14. Wow! what amazing photos! You are so talented. I love hummers, and you have captured such great images.

  15. I am amazed & enthralled with your photos, Barbara! Such tiny little creatures, moving so fast...well done!!

    ♥ the bougainvillea centerpiece, too. I cut them once for a dinner at my sister's home in AZ. They dropped all their blossoms all over the table during the night. LOL SURPRISE!!!

  16. Barbara, These darling birds are such a special delight to see. Your images are magnificent, worthy of any birdwatching magazine.
    I'm adding this to my favorite posts. Such a rare treat to have such fabulous quality photos of these speedy little ones!

    Thanks for your kind comments. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the beer bread and the chowder!

  17. you take such fantastic photos, they are absolutely amazing!

    so glad you stopped by the cape on the corner, and i appreciate your comment on my new lamps and their book stands. since you said you have so many, you could definitely do that. the down side is, they will be uneven if you are reading one of the books, lol. or you'd have to swap it out.

    have a great day! i am your newest follower, too, b/c those pictures are inspiring!

  18. Those photos are fantastic. I never seem to have my camera handy when I see the hummingbirds. Great work.

  19. Hi again, I just want to see your hummingbird pictures. They are breathtaking! These little guys are some of my favorites...they're so fun to watch and hear their "chattering"! Thanks for sharing!

  20. First, I lOVE your blog. Its neat, organized and the photos are simply beautiful . I love the feel of ur home too. These shots of the humming bird are amazing. what a beautiful life u have. :)
    n tq for dropping by ;)

  21. I am SO loving this hummer post! I can't believe the detail~ love the pollen! I have never been lucky enough to see a nest, thanks for sharing your exceptional photographic skills :-)

  22. What beautiful pictures!! The details are amazing! Nancy


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