Thursday, September 9, 2010

simple indulgence...

2009 was a difficult year for me, maybe the most difficult ever. My New Year’s resolutions for 2010 were different than they have been in the past. I only had one - feel free to indulge in the little pleasures of life. I have no idea why I thought denying myself a $6 bouquet seemed like the right thing to do, but it did. No longer. Spending an afternoon reading when there is laundry to be done? That’s okay too. A morning behind the lens, photographing butterflies and hummingbirds, is not a waste of time. It feeds the soul. Many times, this new attitude goes against my pragmatic nature but never once have I regretted following it.

In addition to pining for peonies, I’ve been hoping for hydrangeas. Trader Joe’s came through for me again and here is my little pleasure for this week. Find one for yourself. You will be glad you did.


  1. life is in the little details, glad you enjoyed them in 2010, be sure to do it again~

    always love your shots~

    here here to reading over laundry... ANY DAY!

  2. I am with you. There were times a 6 dollar bouquet would be selfish, someone else needed this or that. But now, why not?
    Enjoy your hydrangeas. I love them and look forward to my many bushes flowering each year. Thank goodness they are easy to grow here! A Master Gardener, I am not!

  3. I'm with you ALL the way on flowers, reading, & behind the lens~ now I feel validated & alot less guilty as I stare at my pile of laundry :-)

  4. Nice New Year's resolution! I hope 2010 has been a good year for you! Glad you are enjoying the little things! "Take time to smell the flowers!"


  5. I'm in total agreement. We have about six or seven hydrangea plants in our yard, but the one that produces blooms like these has produced only one bloom in the last two years! We went to a workshop earlier this summer, and hopefully we can coax some more blooms from them next year. I buy them at the grocery store, too, but it irks me that the plant outside my dining room door is so beautiful but bare of blooms.

  6. I agree with this post! I think one of MY biggest obstacles in indulging is that I'm too sensitive to others and their expressed opinions. They wouldn't "waste" their time or pennies on something and say so. I am trying... slowing... to learn the art of selective deafness where that's concerned.

  7. Hi
    Thank you so much for visiting My Cozy Corner. I'm so happy I came over to visit you. What beautiful photos. You are a gifted photographer. Enjoy. We only get one day at a time.

  8. They are so pretty, Barbara. I would buy them too if I saw them. I don't see them here....Christine

  9. Gorgeous flowers Barbara, and beautiful words. I agree with you wholeheartedly. "To do" lists can be infinitely long, and if we feel that we have to get them done before we do something for ourselves, we often never get there. I've been learning (at work mostly!) that not everything on a "to do" list actually has to get done. Letting go of that mentality has been freeing!

  10. In 1986, I quit wearing a watch and threw away my FiloFax. i decided that if 'it' wasn't important enough for someone to remind me to go, for my family to tell me to get in the car and go, or for me to remember, then I really didn't need to be doing it anyway. I've been a much happier camper ever since. Thanks for the photos...peonies and hydrangeas are my favorites. Cherry Kay

  11. What a great thought. I think 2009 and 2010 have been really hard for so many and all for different reasons. My New Years's resolution these past two years have been to see the glass as half full.

    My husband is in the construction and development business and that has been cut by 3/4, and will probably go down again. My resolution to see the glass as half full has been able to help him as we have counted our many blessings rather than our woes.

    Thanks for the inspiration that we all need! Have a lovely weekend and enjoy those fabulous flowers. Did you see my post for Foodie Fridays? It was right after my tablescape, it is hydrangea cupcakes.

  12. Hi Barbara! Beautiful photos.
    Like they say.....
    'The earth laughs in flowers'..go ahead and giggle a little ;)

  13. Beautiful photos and flowers. My life is go go go all the time and I really need to slow down once in awhile and relax. Thanks for the reminder.

  14. I sooo understand and agree,Barbara...2009 was a life changing year for me, too in many ways!
    Life is too short to waste time on things that don't matter and to not spend time on the things that do! Your photos are just beautiful!
    Thanks so much for stopping by...I wish you a beautiful weekend~
    ;-D Kathleen

  15. A wonderful book and God's beauty captured on a photo is no waste at all. Enjoy!

  16. Oh how pretty. I like your attitude. 2010 has been my worst year ever, I thought I'd already had my worst year a few years ago...but, I lost my mom this year and that tops everything for me. I seem to be taking care of myself with home has to stop, flowers don't put on pounds...casseroles with cheese and sour cream do!

    Thanks for visiting me!

  17. Beautiful. I am loving the dramatic photography you have on this site!!

  18. Your photography is amazing,love your blog,thanks for visiting me @ LazyonLoblolly,and thank you so much for the sweet comment,I love comments,I know I don't do everything right like I should when it comes to blogn' but I am enjoying it,thanks again for the visit,please drop back.

  19. Oh Barbara, you are so right on. Indulging yourself and enjoying the little pleasures in life are more than acceptable in view of the fact that every day matters. Make the most of them. Once again, your photos are beautiful. I always enjoy hearing from you.

  20. I like your resolutions -- we get to enjoy them as well! Thanks for sharing and also for visiting my table this week too!

  21. Thanks for dropping in and leaving your sweet comment. I love coming by to visit you and being part of your weblog! Why is it that it takes painful lessons for us to learn... indulge and be happy. Life is too short. Lovely hyrdrangeas

  22. Barbara,
    what a wise New Year’s resolutions. I love your blog and I wish you all the Best. Hydrangeas are so beautiful. I saw on a book fair a book abaout them. There are so many different species and all so beautiful.
    Greetings, Johanna

  23. Great post! I think women, especially, are too quick to deny themselves the little pleasures that make life worth living. Thanks for the reminder that beauty and joy are worth every penny!

  24. I read this post when you first published it but didn't leave a comment because I have had a rough year too. It's only lately that I've reminded myself that denying beauty and just dwelling on worry doesn't work. So for the last several months I have also not denied myself the flowers. I just had to come back and reread your wonderful post.

  25. I'm sorry to hear that 2009 was such a rough year for you, but I think you gained some wisdom from it. I find it hard to believe that you would deny yourself a morning shooting hummingbirds and butterflies though. I know I've been out of touch, but that's shocking.


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.