Thursday, September 16, 2010

sunflowers while waiting for fall...

We are waiting for fall. We had a bit of a glimpse last weekend with some lovely night time temperatures but as usual for us in September, we are waiting and know we must be patient just a little while longer. I found some pumpkins yesterday and as always, they were irresistible to me. I always pick them out based on the shape of the stem. Just putting some on the hearth helped me forget how hot it still is outside. Is it bad that the thing that attracted me most to these plates was the word “solstice”? I like the sunflowers. I like the textures. I like the colors but it was that word that made them impossible for me to resist.

Slowly, I am bringing a little bit of autumn inside – changing the quilts on the beds, filling the lavadera with bits of leaves, gourds and pumpkins and there was even some soup made. So we will try to be patient, though we never are. We will enjoy the sunflowers, look for the changes in the light and hope that the changes in the temperature are not far behind.

Please join Susan and all the other tablescapers here.


  1. love sunflowers, all such pretty pics... i have those dishes too, been a long time since mine have seen daylight. lovely setting~

    i have been craving onion soup and cold nights, i am ready for fall too. the lighting now is so gorgeous. i tried to sit outside to read today pretending its here, over 90 still, but, maybe rain this weekend :-)

  2. So you are creating fall whether or not it's a real season for you or not. Sometimes that's what we have to do. As always, I love seeing what you do and how you present your creative self. Hope all is well. L

  3. I saw those plates and struggled very hard to avoid buying more dishes! They are wonderful dishes and the word makes them even better. I like the plates you have used with them, especially the pumpkin color. I have that flatware too--isn't it fun? I think I am ready for fall, finally. We have tornado warnings right now so I'm watching the weather. Linda

  4. Ooooh, I need some of those Solstice plates! I just finished taking photos of my sunflower table for NEXT week's Tablescape Thursday, and those plates would have added a lot to my very simple table. Still, sunflowers themselves make for a dramatic table, I think. We, too, are waiting for the relief of fall weather. Thank you for visiting my table and your kind comments this week!

  5. Like Tricia, I need those gorgeous plates! Beautiful the ravens.

  6. How about I take your dishes and you take my chargers....Love them...cute copper centerpiece too.

  7. Beautiful plates - solstice. a wonderful word indeed. I love them. I also covet that copper jug in which your flowers rest. It's all very pretty. Thanks for dropping in.. I'm late as usual!

  8. Lovely table. I am not feeling fall yet, soon enough!
    The plates are so pretty!

  9. We're getting fall a little earlier than I want here. Very cool and damp, too. I know it will warm up again, but I'm not quite ready for the big change we got. Love the plates, but it's the black birds on the table that attracted me. I bought a wonderful table runner with embroidered black birds on it in Vermont this summer. I just finished decorating for fall (that part I like), and it was the first thing I put out.

  10. Hi barbara,
    I am with you, fall is wonderful with the soft earthy and sunny colors, pumpkins, apples, pears, mushrooms and nuts. Your tablescape catched the fall felling very well. Nice details.
    Greetings, Johanna

  11. Gorgeous Barbara! You set the most amazing, artistic tables. I love the image where you capture the word "solstice" on the plate.

  12. So beautifully put together, Barbara! And I love the plates....Christine

  13. Very pretty Barbara. I would have liked those plates too. Love your centerpiece also.

  14. It is indeed hard to wait for the heat to subside...we experience the same delayed autumn here in the heartland. I think that it's supposed to be 93ยบ here today. But we do get brief glimpses of fall in the mornings...I can feel just a tinge of that crisp cool air, and there's a different tone to the breeze this time of year. Your Solstice plates are lovely. I have a friend who bought them, too. She sadly broke one of hers...I've been trying to replace it for her through eBay for quite a while, but so far, no luck. Thank you for stopping by my post and for your kind comments. Please, come visit any time. Cherry Kay

  15. The sunflower plates are fab! we....were in the 30's at waiting long for cool weather here among the snow piles (teehee) in ND!! no saguaro has a chance here!

  16. Your table is so pretty. I love sunflowers too. Thanks for visiting Buttermilk Cottage and I hope you'll come back often.

  17. Barbara,I'm crazy for sunflowers,these dishes are a must-have,where did you get them?..We are having cool mornings down southeast Ga.I can feel FALL,is right here on top of us...
    Thank you so much for visiting me at LazyonLoblolly,and your comment was so sweet and appreciated.Please visit me again.

  18. Your blog is wonderful...

    I wanted to thank you for visiting me at Sally Lee by the Sea and I'm so delighted with your blog that I'm now a follower.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  19. Your tablescape is peaceful! I love that. I like the plates. Thank you so much for sharing.

  20. Fall is my favorite - very favorite time of year!! Thanks for checking out my Martha Stewart post.

  21. First I LOVE those plates, but the tablecloth just brings it all together! I just brought in my last three sunflowers to enjoy. Thanks for stopping by!!

  22. I would have bought those plates too. I love those! This is such a pretty table, and I'm loving those black birds in the center (they go so well with your treble clef flatware). Your table does say Fall, whether the temps say it or not. laurie

  23. Your dishes are so pretty. I love sunflowers too, I think the dishes were just calling you to take them home. It happens to me sometimes so don't panic, lol.

  24. Thank you for stopping by! I love your tablescape. Is a saguaro a cactus? (Pardon my ignorance. ☺☺☺)

  25. Thank you for stopping by! I hope you will stop by and follow simple 1-2-3 soon!

    Beautiful and elegant you did a wonderful job!!
    KUDOS to you!!

  26. Barbara, what beautiful dishes!They all go so well together! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment!

  27. I have seen a lot of sunflower plates, but these are by far my favorite! I like the word "Solstice" as well!

    Nice tablescape!


  28. Your table looks just beautiful. I like the little birds mixed in with the sunflower centerpiece.

  29. What gorgeous plates~the texture and colors are swoonworthy.

  30. Wow, those plates are gorgeous! I would have had a hard time resisting them. My daughter has a sunflower theme in her kitchen, and they are just so colorful and cheery!

    Life on the Edge

  31. You have a great eye for design. I always have to pop over and see what your up to. I have given you a blog award. Please forgive me if you don't participate in these.
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