Friday, October 29, 2010

picture fall, week four...

This workshop has been so good for me. It has forced me to get out with my camera every day. You can see I had trouble deciding on just one photo for some of the challenges this week.

"darks and lights"


"family matters" This was a exercsie to use the auto timer and get a family portrait. Our portrait was rather empty. I thought about holding up a photo of our kids.

"fall colors"
This take on fall colors was from the mountains close to home.

Fall colors in the desert are a little hard to find but this was the sunrise I woke up to this morning. It was certainly colorful.

"open heart, open mind" The first light of the morning gave this a rather magical look. I am a bit clueless about Photoshop so I have to depend on the light helping me out.

"leafy love" I put the camera on the ground for this one.

The blurred background is aspen leaves. This was a crop of an old photo.

"the great pumpkin" Okay, my pumpkin is just a little one but who could resist that stem? I always pick out pumpkins based on the stems. I really want to try growing some of these mini ones next year.

I will be sorry to have this workshop ending on Sunday.


  1. i will sorry when it ends too, you shots are like tonic to me~

  2. thanks for dropping in.. I have so loved your photos. I think I need to take a class too.

  3. Your workshop sounds like fun, and you've learned a lot! I especially like your "fall colors" and the desert sunrise. Thanks for visiting my table this week on Tablescape Thursday!

  4. Thank you. I enjoyed this very much.

  5. Barbara, your pics are wonderful, but I especially love your "family matters" shot. It's not "empty" at all. It speaks loudly of companionship, a supportive and encouraging husband (in his white dress shirt coming from or going to work -- either way taking the time for you ... and your project), and a quieter stage of life as you cheer together for your children from the sidelines of life rather than across the dinner table. In its own way it's as beautifully "full" as the pictures of your sunrise and Fall leaves...


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.