Friday, October 22, 2010

picture fall, week three...

These are the images for week three. There are days that I definitely have to think about the prompt for a while before something comes to me.

"messages" - my father's favorite expression:

"juxtaposition" - things have changed a bit since I saved my allowance to buy my first Beatles album when I was nine.

"bounty" - my nephew so happy to be able to collect fall leaves

"muse" - since my children grew up, my muse is nature. This butterfly let me get so close with the macro that her spots are bokeh.

"scattered" - wanted an authentic scattered rather than setting something up. This box of candles seems to follow us around from table to table when we are outside.


"serving up kindness" - a night meeting for WB so we met for a very early dinner.


  1. Love that picture of the bee feeding. I am also laughing at the Beatles picture-I have that very same album safely tucked into the music cabinet, but the kids have it on their iPods, downloaded from iTunes. Linda

  2. oh your interpretations are so clever and the photography gorgeous! i love how you let in sink in and really enjoyed yourself~

  3. Hi Barbara,
    very thoughtful and very nice pictures. Love that.
    Greetings, Johanna

  4. Wonderful Barbara! You are doing so well with keeping up with PF. My travel and visitors threw a wrench into my plans, but I love seeing your beautiful photos.

  5. Barbara, these are great! I especially like "bounty" and "connections." nice interpretations!

  6. I am so enjoying your photographic journey and would love to be sharing the experience.


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