Tuesday, January 11, 2011

looking for hope...

We are grieving. We mourn for the loss of our people. We are at a loss how to explain it. We feel like we will never be the same. Hope is all we have to hang on to.

We find hope in the many heroes of the day – the young intern who stayed with his boss until medical personnel could get to her, the husband who lost his life saving his wife, the four who sprang into action preventing even more chaos, doctors, paramedics; there are so many. We find hope in optimistic reports from doctors. We find hope in the many memorials of candles and flowers that have sprung up all over town. We find hope that as life goes on, as it always does, that we are all a little kinder, a little more understanding. We find hope that underneath it all, Tucson is, indeed, love.

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We still need them.


  1. Sending prayers and a hug from Canada.

  2. i was saddened by this news when i saw it on tv up here in illinois. it saddens me to hear such news any time, anywhere.

    found your blog via tara's post about your beautiful cards. so glad to know you have a photo blog too!!!

    thank you for your consistent and thoughtful comments on my p.w. images. they always make my day along with the other sweet words from others.

  3. i broke down and sobbed yesterday when i read about the lives of those that died. so hard to take sorrow in, much less such a horrific act...

  4. This has been terrible,sad and just plain ole out bad...I think of the lives lost,and the pain...it makes me sick on my stomach...I pray for God to wrap his arms around the hurt and heal all the families.


  5. Barbara, you and your fellow Arizonans continue to be in our family's prayers. We grieve from a distance, but we grieve with you. For critical injuries, for medical personnel, for hurting families and friends, for our countrymen who must stand together as Americans... we are praying. "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23)

  6. Thinking and praying for all those involved!

  7. I like what Marlis said....Prayers and hugs from Texas.....God be with us!

  8. Truly an incident that will occupy our thoughts for some time. My prayer is for all of us to be more aware, to be more loving and compassionate. Hugs.

  9. Prayers and hugs to all... such a sad thing should never happen.


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