Thursday, January 13, 2011

in sorrow...

"...what matters is not wealth, or status, or power, or fame — but rather, how well we have loved — and what small part we have played in making the lives of other people better."

President Obama, in remarks to the people of Tucson, Arizona. 1/12/11


  1. I didn't see the speech yet:( I was out and missed it BUT I can see it online and will. I have heard it was wonderful. Thanks for this post! XO, Pinky

  2. A beautiful quote and a beautiful photo to accompany it. What a difference it would make if everyone could keep this front and center!

  3. Well said. My heart just goes out to your community Barbara. I hope you all can feel it.

  4. Great quote! I feel so bad for the affected especially for little Cristina. Your photo is gorgeous!...Christine

  5. Beautiful and heartfelt words. I hope we can all be moved by these words and try to live by them.

  6. Barbara, you and your community have been in my prayers all week -- and continue to be. Oh, that we will all be intentional about making better the lives of those in our circle of influence... Your pink tulips are stunning.

  7. And that could not be more true.

  8. Beautiful image and sentiment Barbara.

  9. Miss you in Blogland ... but still praying. Look forward to your return when you're able.

  10. beautiful! words and all.

    never mind the e-mail i sent on p.w. ...i was looking in the wrong place. now that i found your blog, i wanted to give you this message i've been sending to all the connections i made through p.w.

    "just wanted to stop and say hello... i'm going through all the profiles of those who commented on my picture winter photos, and looking to see if they have blogs or flickr accounts {and if not, then sending an e-mail}... so that i can A) say thank you for the comments and feedback you gave me, and B) let them know i would love to stay in touch... especially to those who expressed interest in keeping up to date on what is happening with my pregnancy. since i can not remember all who asked, i thought i would just go through each profile and send a message. =)

    i'll be updating my blog periodically with baby news... just in case you are interested:

    thanks again for all your comments on p.w.! it was an inspiration to meet you and see your work! i hope to see more of it even though the class is over."

    on a more personal note, i have followed your blog so that i can get the occasional update on my blogger dashboard... i'd love to see what you are up to as the days unfold after p.w.

    it's been a real pleasure to see your work and hear from you... you were one of my most consistent commenters, and i ALWAYS appreciated that!

    all the best to you.



Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.