Thursday, February 3, 2011

baby, it's cold outside!

I admit it. We desert dwellers are wimps. We do not have real winter and when it actually does come, we really don't know what to do with it. Our temperatures, both lows and highs in the last 24 hours are breaking records. There are broken water pipes all over town. My car is in for service today and they called to say the windshield water system wasn't working and how much it would be to fix. They called back a few hours later to tell me it had been frozen and nothing was wrong. We aren't used to checking for things that may be frozen. We haven't reached 40 degrees today and with the wind chill, it was 4 degrees early this morning. My garden looks like nothing will ever bloom again. Gardenias, geraniums and hibiscus have given up. Bougainvilleas, blue plumbago, my lime tree, my lemon tree. They all look gone. Despite the fact that it sounds like I am complaining about the cold, I am not. We are only allowed to complain about the heat around here.

So, tonight, there is soup for supper. Our beloved Wildcats are playing in California and we'll be watching. We are hunkering down with a blazing fire and bowls of chowder. Life is good. Indeed.

It's been a while and for that, I apologize.

Check out Susan and others for beautiful tablescapes.


  1. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your kind comments.. Tell me more about your plates and bowls.. oh they are fabulous. I love your stoneware. I know what you mean about being cold.. we have been setting records all week!

  2. The weather is tough on everyone, everywhere. Any time we have to deal with a different situation, we learn a little bit. Even though I have seen many a bad snow storm, our blizzard the other day, with thunder and lightening, was a first.

    I'm glad that you're settled in and cozy...soup sounds perfect!


  3. beauitful photos... again~

    looks very cozy.

    wow 4 degrees, ouch that it is cold,. we have been back to 30s this week, we usually only get one freeze week a winter, this is the 3rd week. not complaining either, all my plants are intact. yours may bounce back, come spring just watch how the roots protect their own :)

  4. We are also complaining about the unusually cold weather in central Texas! Rolling power outages are NOT fun, especially when they begin just after stepping from the shower with wet hair and work starts in 45 minutes! Your cozy soup supper by the fire looks so inviting! Thank you for your kind comments on my tablescape this week -- stay warm!

  5. When I saw your comment, I knew that you were back. Yippeeeeee! You've been missed. I know that the cold does come as a shock to you all. Everything will probably be okay with your plants with the possible exception of the fruit trees. They may take a while to recover, I would think. Thank you for stopping by my post. Come vist any time. Cherry Kay

  6. No apology necessary, Friend. Welcome back! Your "hunkering down" cold weather soup dinner sounds wonderful - and your pics are very inviting. Stop by if you get a chance. I just posted my BEST tablescape ever!

  7. Hi lovely lady. the weather down in Texas is also cold !!! We may get snow tonight some time, right now would be a good time of some Hot Choclate and lot's of Cool Whip and Sugar Cookies.~~~ Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my Tablescapes. lol

  8. Cute dishes, Barbara. I hope you get back to normal temps soon. We are in the same boat, not used to freezing temps either and it's been in the 20's for almost 3 days. We had to turn the pool heater cause we do not want the pipes to freeze and burst. Heater that heats the master bedroom part is not working so hubby and I are sleeping in the family room on the recliners....Christine

  9. Thank you , Barbara for your kind I see, "a comment from an expert" !Your photography is artisic and inviting !
    Life is good , indeed !

  10. Hey, Barbara! I'm so sorry to hear that you lost so many of your beautiful plantings!!! I know this crazy weather has been especially hard on those folks who aren't used to it. We actually cheered this morning because it had reached 5 above 0!!! It's a heat wave as we continue to dig out from the 12+ inches of snow! :-) I don't know much about the plants you described so far as to whether or not they'll come back. I guess they are perennials and not likely to "come back" next year as ours do when they die off for the winter. I hope something can be salvaged! Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning, and have a warmer weekend!

  11. Lovin' all of the great colors! The napkins are beautiful-enjoy:@)

  12. The blue that bowl is just breathtaking. I feel warmed up by the fire. Don't you like to eat in front of the fire, it is sooo romantic and cozy. Those napkins are wonderful too. Thanks for warming me up on a cold day (I am so ready to be done with this!)

  13. You set a warm and inviting table! Thanks for stopping by mine and for the nice comment!

  14. Keep warm. Soup's a good idea. Here in Victoria is was in the 50s today--it felt so spring-like. I hope your plants survive.

  15. Oh my goodness, it has been cold there if the water pipes are almost 25 years I only remember one year they was horrible.

  16. Barbara, I am so sorry for all your flowers. I hope the ground wasn't frozen so deep that they are really gone. Such unexpected freezing temperatures are horrible for the garden.
    Your tablescape is nice and I hope your favorites will win.
    Greeitngs, Johanna

  17. Isn't it crazy how cold weather and food just seem to go together? That's not always the case with warmer temps, at least not for me.
    We've had just enough cold temps to wipe out most of what is green. Some things will come back; others won't. This seems to happen in Houston often enough to be annoying. Oh well, life is still good!
    Hope all is well.


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