Monday, October 31, 2011

texture tuesday...

Leaves from the mountains. Gourd from the store. Weathered table from years of use and abuse. A little bit of late afternoon autumn light. I think I found some autumn in the desert.

I am continuing to try to learn more about Photoshop. Participating in Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday seems like a good way to do that. Thank you, Kim, for your generosity.

a spooky table for Halloween...

Welcome. I think I have finally figured a few things out about decorating for the holidays. I like it best when I incorporate what I have and just add a few things. I used to be so happy when I could put the Halloween things away. There was just too much stuff going on, especially the vulture, hung on the pull of the ceiling fan. He went round and around all month.

My sweet WB got these dessert plates from Pottery Barn. I am still pining over the skeletons plates that I didn't buy two years ago but I sure do like these.

This tea set and tray is a bit unusual. It is silverplate over copper. Because of the wear, the copper seems to glow through. Arizona is a big copper producer and I wonder if it was made here.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, Home Goods opened near us. He was irresistible to me. Unlike the vulture, I will be sorry to put him away.

Thank you for joining us.

For more tablescapes, join Susan and the others at Between Naps on the Porch.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

soup weather, finally...

So far this week, I've made homemade tomato and tortilla soup and it isn't even Friday yet. Maybe Manhattan clam chowder for the weekend. WB could eat soup for dinner every single night.

I've been on the hunt for vintage silver. It has been fun. I have enough to mix and match now but this is my favorite (well, at least today it is). It is "Century" by Holmes and Edwards, from the 20's. I especially like the vintage soup spoons.

Join Susan and other talented tablescapers at Between Naps on the Porch.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

hoot, hoot...

I woke up this morning to the hooting of great horned owls. Every year, in mid October we start to hear their calls. Most of the time, we hear them. Once in a while, we see them, usually at dusk, impossible photography conditions.

This day was different. The light was perfect. I could catch him with my long lens. He seemed to be posing for me.

I was able to very slowly, get closer and closer.

Then he got a bit camera shy. {or perhaps he was looking for lunch}

Then he told me, in his special owl way, that I had gotten too close. Luckily, I can speak owl. {I have to admit, later I was surprised I got this one. He was scary!)

It's been too long since this special encounter. I keep looking for him in the same mesquite tree, hoping I'll see him again.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011


I am always happy when they are around. Today, I was photographing them with my zoom lens, from about 6 feet away. They didn't seem bothered by me so I tried my macro lens and was inches away. I photographed them until it got too warm, which by the way, is not supposed to happen in October.

They are on a plant called a "butterfly weed". It indeed attracts the butterflies. It indeed is a weed. It is somehow prettier in pictures than in real life. If not for these photos today, it may have had a short stay in the garden.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

it's baby time...

I have told you about our desert tortoises, Norm, Tillie and T.R. here. It is finally cool enough to be out with my camera again. I was out photographing hummingbirds and look who decided to find me?
We won't know if she/he is a she or a he until he/she is about 10 years old. Meanwhile, there is a lot of growing to do. Right now, he or she is about 2 inches long.

P.S. I want to thank those of you who responded to my letter post below by mailing me a real letter! What a delightful surprise!

Another P.S. My other blog a photo a day keeps the blues away will start again next Tuesday.