Monday, November 7, 2011

all souls procession...

The All Souls Procession is held every November, in conjunction with Dia de los Muertos. It honors the lives of those who have passed on. It is a celebration of life and a mourning of loss. People carried photographs of their loved ones. Participants dressed as giraffes, mourned the death of Watoto, a giraffe who died at the zoo this year. A woman mourned the death of her marriage. People remembered the victims of breast cancer and AIDS. A little boy walked with photos of his dog. The celebration is joyous and respectful.

For all of its faults, Tucson is truly a remarkable town. Although it is a city of 1,000,000+, it still feels like a town. This is one of the reasons. Where else can you see a bagpipe group and the university marching band, all with skeleton faces?

This connects us all. We all have loss. We all mourn our loved ones who are gone. This is a celebration of their lives, our love for them and how we will always remember, hopefully with a smile on our faces.

More photos below. Blogger was giving me fits today.


  1. WOW! You got some fantastic shots! Isn't the Procession so awesome? Love it!

  2. Your photos are amazing! I would love to see this sometime.


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