Tuesday, November 15, 2011

a visit to Tubac...

Participating in Texture Tuesday. Phoebe texture used in a variety of ways that I can't begin to remember. Thank you, Kim!

Tubac isn't far and we visit once or twice a year. It is a mixture of Mexico, art and cliche. There is always something new and always something fun.

We got a head start on some holiday shopping. I can feel the worry in my friends and family as they look at these photos. Who will get that big chicken?

We even found a little bit of fall.


  1. Loved your texture Tuesday submission. I would worry about the huge chicken, too! Don't known what I would do with one, but the skeletons in dresses and hats are pretty cool!

  2. How beautiful! I love how you processed your photo for Texture Tuesday!

  3. Beautiful use of texture. Tubac looks like such a cool place to visit. Loved your previous post about the all souls procession too, what an amazing experience it must be.

  4. love the composition and the texture. very nice abstraction as well. thanks, kareninkenai

  5. That Phoebe texture works well with your photo:) and that marketplace looks like so much fun!

  6. Beautiful editing, Barbara! I love the variety of photos you've taken and shown here on your blog, especially the Day of the Dead procession!
    By far my favourites though, are the humming birds. We first encountered them when we lived in Spain - they were very fond of the bougainvillea in our garden!

  7. Oh, I love that last photo. This looks like such an ineresting place to visit.

  8. Ohhh you know how I love paths and roads. The last one is FABBB!!

    You are so inspiring.


  9. How interesting! I love your textured pottery, and the road in the woods with the fantastical trees.

  10. The textured pot is beautifully processed! I like that big chicken!

  11. Love places like that where groupings just throw fabulous photos at you. Looks like a fun spot, if you keep the cliche in mind. By the last photo, it looks like a gorgeous spot too.


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.