Saturday, January 14, 2012

I love it when bobcats come to visit...

He showed up on Thursday. For quite a while, all I saw was his backside. As I tried to watch him, I realized that he may be around a lot more often than I realize. He hid easily among the salvia and later behind the roses. I saw him watching where one of the tortoises is hibernating (at least I think that's where Tillie is). He circled around started pawing into the area. I decided to try to startle him away, something I never do. My knocking on the window didn't bother him at all but he didn't find a tortoise. These were some not very good photos from Thursday:

He was back today. Never even thinking of him, I walked outside this morning to take some shots of the roses. I need to be more aware. I had taken several shots and then I saw some movement to the right of me. There was still plenty of distance between us. He was not aggressive but I need to be smarter. I had been working with the macro so I wasn't set for pictures of him. I grabbed my longer lens from the table (which is why my dining room table is always filled with lenses and cameras, despite the fact I like a pretty table) and went back to find him. By that time, he was on the wall, ready to leave since I had disturbed him. He did pose nicely for a moment or two, without hiding behind the brush. The light was in my favor. Here are a few from today:

At first he paused.

Then he looked at me as I looked at him.

Check out those paws.

Love his tongue in this shot.

Then he plotted his escape or spotted some breakfast.

And then he was gone.

Hope he comes back soon.


  1. oh how i love your pics... incredible sightings right in your own yard. i saw one at the beach, just the back go scampering away, never had the face to face. such a gorgeous animal...

    if you have time this year, come join in food for thought, we preselected 22 books, any kind of visual book review you choose :)

  2. Just amazing! And what great photos! He must be a frequent visitor. I wonder if he know YOUR routine?! Thanks for this peek into the wild.

  3. I was holding my breath as I read you blog! I didn't want him to leave!! Wonderful that your were able to capture such good shots of him!!

  4. Dearest Barbara,

    Oh, what a mighty cat he is! Big paws indeed, not someone to mess with. You were so lucky for getting still this many great shots of him.
    Wish I could observe them from that up close.
    Love to you and have a great Sunday.


    PS don't miss my GIVEAWAY, still till February 4.

  5. Oh Wow, what a beautiful bobcat. Awesome photos and a cool sighting.

  6. Oh I would have loved to have seen him & snapped off a few photos! I especially love the tongue photo!

    My kitchen table is currently smothered and covered with my camera, books, and dishes to put away :)

  7. Great shots of a beautiful animal, Barbara!

  8. Like Cathy, I was actually holding my breath while I read your post! So scary and so beautiful at the same time. Thanks for posting these shots. I enjoyed your bobcat pics posted earlier on your blog and these are just as magnificent.

  9. Completely amazing! Rather scary! Here I only have to worry about squirrels:)

  10. Wow, he is beautiful! That would probably really freak me out, & I would never go! I would, however, probably be watching from every window all the time!

  11. No matter how infrequent your posts, they are a delight to me. Your photography is worth waiting for.


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