Wednesday, February 29, 2012

today is her birthday...

I was so young when she passed that my memories are few. I always think of her on her very special birthday. My father used to love to tell the story of when he realized he had more official birthdays than his mother, born on February 29. I am so blessed that my grandfather and father liked photography too. I don't know who the photographer was for this photo but you can see the love in her eyes. My grandfather's handwriting is on the back "up on Higgins Farm". It is so precious to me. We still need to print and write on the back of photos, don't you think?

Happy Leap Day!


  1. Barbara, it's wonderful to see you today! What a beautiful photograph and memory of your grandmother. I'm bad about not printing photos anymore, but how I love trying to decipher the handwriting on the old ones!

  2. Dearest Barbara,
    A lovely tribute to your special Grandmother!
    Those old photos with a handwritten message are so precious.
    Love to you,

  3. Beautiful!

    And I agree with you about printing, and writing, I don't do it enough though sadly.

  4. This is lovely, Barbara. You are indeed lucky that you come from a long line of photographers; I'm sure you have a treasure trove of wonderful family photos. And writing, yes; I think we need to write on the backs of photos and send real letters. Can anyone even "write" anymore? I'm told they don't even teach cursive in the schools these days. I fear it's a lost art.


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