Wednesday, April 25, 2012

speaking of birds...

In all my years here, I have only had a chance to photograph a hummingbird nest a few times. These two are ready to leave the nest. The nest itself is about 2-3 inches in diameter, in an ironwood tree, about 6 feet off the ground. Hummingbirds often use spider webs to wrap the nest. This day it was very windy but the nest was just as steady as can be. They were trying to find some space without much success. This post is image heavy but you will see some jostling for room, sibling love and even a tongue stuck out.


  1. Wow! Wonderful photos of something very few ever get to see! Thank you for sharing these images.

  2. I could have looked at hundreds of these shots! What an incredible find! I love watching hummingbirds!
    Thanks for sharing these lovely images!


  3. What fantastic photos! In all my years I have wanted just to find one hummingbird nest never mind getting photos of it! It remains elusive although we get quite a few ruby-throated hummers at my feeders in the summer. Thanks for sharing these! It is as close to them as I will ever get I am sure:)

  4. These photos are phenomenal...I am in awe of your photography!...I sympathize with the patio nests...It was too late when we discovered a nest at the top of one of our pillars on the front the time the babies were born, the pillar was black with you know was when the babies left the nest, we placed a bar of Irish Spring on the top of the has kept them away...and yes, we have done the fan thing too....we have 4 of them on our lower veranda...they love making nests in our hanging ferns too!....

  5. outstanding set of nest pictures!

  6. Oh, my goodness, Barbara! What an amazing photographic study of baby hummingbirds! Thanks for sharing them, so cute, so interesting@

  7. These are amazing photos. Your work with the camera is certainly paying off.

  8. Barbara~ I would dearly LOVE to see hummers nesting! How you saw the nest much less photographed it amazes me! I can't imagine the engineering required to build it and secure it with spider webs!

    Thanks for sharing~ what a treat to see ♥

  9. Barbara,
    These are awesome photos and so rare to find a hummingbird nest. These little ones look like they are about ready to fly. Hopefully, you'll be watching with your camera when that happens.

  10. My son found two abandoned hummingbird nests years ago. They are an 1.5" in diameter and when I set them out, I have had a guest or two think they're something tasty to pop in their mouth!

    Your pictures are worthy of Nat Geo!


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