Thursday, April 26, 2012

it is impossible to resist sunflowers...

WB and I try to meet on Mondays for lunch. It doesn't always work out but we try. We like going to a salad place that is about an equal drive for both of us. The salads are huge, delicious and we usually eat a very light, easy dinner that evening. Next to the salad place is a Trader Joe's. It has become a habit to pick out flowers just about every Monday. I have so much blooming in the garden that buying flowers would just be redundant. I wasn't even going to go to TJ's until I remembered we were running low on milk. The sunflowers popped out at me as soon as I saw them.
Resistance was futile.
I set up another table in the garden today. The weather is cooler again, a little overcast. WB has a three day weekend (don't envy him, he is recoating the roof) so I thought a nice dinner outside tonight would be just the thing.
Within minutes, the wind picked up and all the little "caterpillars" on the mesquite tree starting dropping pollen on the table. So not only will we not eat out here tonight, I will be rewashing all the dishes. Best laid plans.
Whether your weekend is a three day one or not, hopefully you won't be recoating your roof and will be able to enjoy it!
You may want to peek at some pictures of two baby hummingbirds in the post below. Clicking on any picture will make it larger.

Joining Susan at Tablescape Thursday, Kathleen at Let's Dish and Sherry at The Charm of Home.


  1. That last picture could be a postcard, the table framed by your gorgeous flowers. Your table is so pretty, those dishes are just lovely!
    Coating the roof deserves a nice dinner outdoors, and the setting is perfect!
    Thanks so much Barbara, for linking up to Let's Dish!

  2. How nice to "see" you again, Barbara. No matter how many things are blooming in the garden, I can never resist adding other pretties from somewhere else. You've put your sunflowers to good use. Do stay in touch. I love hearing from you.

  3. So beautiful, such artfull shots, pitter patter on the iris...

  4. Beautiful tablescape in a gorgeous setting! Love the dishes! Blessings, Tammy

  5. Gorgeous tablescape, I love it all. Lovely dishes and I'm loving the setting. Your photographs are beautiful! Thank you for your lovely and kind comments. Hugs,

  6. Barbara~ Gorgeous Sunflowers~ flower resistance IS futile at TJ's! Redundant or not, your table surrounded by flowers makes my heart sing! What a beautiful setting...heavenly sigh of contentment from me :)

  7. Beautiful table setting with those wonderful sunflowers! Your yard and gardens are beautiful!!

  8. Well, it was a good plan and your table and setting are so pretty. I love your dishes!! I did peek at the hummingbird pics...loved that. I'm your newest follower:).

  9. who could resist those beautiful sunflowers!! Gorgeous setting. Sorry the beards ruined your plans. The table is lovely. Love those Pier one salads (I think that is where they are from)... xo marlis

  10. Such gorgeous sorroundings in your lovely garden! TRhe table is lovely, with such inviting colors. It blends so well with nature! Thank you for your wonderful and kind visit.

  11. What a lovely post. The photos are beautiful. I love sunflowers too!
    They bring so many smiles. Sorry you could not enjoy your meal in the garden. Your table is beautiful among the flowers. Perfect photos.
    I just saw your previous post about the Hummingbirds.
    They are beautiful. You were so lucky to spot them and take a picture. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a kind comment. Linda

  12. So nice to see your blog. I saw you pop up on my reader the other day and have loved your posts. Especially the Humming Birds one.
    Your garden looks so lush compared to my back garden. Mine is very minimal and very desert.
    The table setting is beautiful.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. LOVE your bee flatware! Great minds think alike. I was actually afraid that it might start raining on me yesterday while I was doing my table outside. The views are a lot prettier when there isn't a cloud in the sky but it waited until just now to start raining. I thought I was going to have to wash the dishes too without using them.

    Love, love, love, Trader Joes, but alas I have to travel out of state to get one. Your sunflowers are spectacular and the iris blooms look great in the background! What pretty dishes and so perfect for Spring! Good to hear from you!!!!

  14. Beautiful table, Barbara! I don't blame you one itty bitty bit for not being able to resist those sunflowers! Who possibly could??!?! They are bright and sunshiny and give you a shot of energy just lookin' at 'em! The colors you used here are ALL so energetic!!!

  15. The last image is just heaven.

  16. What a gorgeous setting among your beautiful garden. Right out of a magazine, and I know exactly what you mean about Trader Joe's and their flowers. Way too difficult to resist.

  17. I LOVE all yellows and this color combination is gorgeous! Great job, and wonderful setting!


  18. What a beautiful outdoor setting!

  19. There are never too many flowers:) I like the idea of your Monday lunches:)

  20. Hi Barbara, thanks for coming to visit! I must agree with everyone else, that last picture looks like it came straight out of a magazine. Your table is just exquisite. I love every bit of it. You mentioned you live in AZ. I'm in Peoria, are you anywhere near me?

  21. I had visions of The Secret Garden as I strolled through your post. Every single moment is absolutely beautiful...pollen or no pollen. I think that our winds here get so high that they blow the pollen away in a greg big hurry. I'm so glad that you're back in blogworld. You've been missed. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  22. Beautiful pictures, so relaxing...

    Have a wonderful night!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  23. What a beautiful table. The dishes complement the sunflowers perfectly and your landscape is gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have become your newest follower :)

  24. Oh what a pretty spot to sit at a lovely table. Love sunflowers too.
    Very pretty flower beds.

  25. Your flowers in your yard are beautiful! Your dishes are great too! The sunflowers make the whole table happy!
    Blessings My Friend,

  26. Nothing says Happy Joy like a bunch of sunny flowers in a curvy pitcher! And I'm totally in love with your tableware <3 and the whole garden is divine!
    Thank you for visiting my Spring bedroom :)

  27. I totally agree- that last picture is AMAZING - totally a postcard!

  28. Who can resist sunflowers? Your table is gorgeous and goes beautifully with your flowers and your lovely garden backdrop. Sorry the pollen kept you from enjoying your meal there, but thankfully we all got to enjoy the photos.

  29. Barbara, your pictures are stunning! Lovely sunflowers and the hummingbirds in your previous post are amazing!

  30. My sunflower seeds have sprouted - I should have dozens of them soon!

  31. Well I wouldn't be able to resist those beautiful sunflowers, either.
    They made a beautiful centerpiece for your outdoor table.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment on my sunroom.

  32. Beautiful, beautiful outdoor tablescape. Every image is just stunning. Wish I was sitting at your lovely table and enjoying the morning.

  33. What a charming tablescape! Love the sunflowers! Those dishes make me smile! Hugs, Linda

  34. Beautiful garden! Wow! Love the iris blooms behind your lovely table. I would not have been able to resist the sunflowers either. Thanks for stopping by my post and leaving a comment. Have a great week! ~CJ

  35. Another beautiful table setting in your pretty garden. Loved it! Sunflowers are a couple of months away in the midwest so I'm also loving those!

  36. Such a lovely setting! Love the plates and the sunflowers are a perfect touch!

  37. Still, it made for a beautiful photo shoot!

  38. Oh how pretty this setting is! The flowers in you garden are so pretty. I love sunflowers....they look like happy faces to me.

  39. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and taking time to leave a sweet comment!
    Greetings from Australia♥

  40. Your flowers and table setting are so beautiful! Don't you love eating outside, looks like you have a magical spot. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  41. Oh what a beautiful table setting this is! The table among the gorgeous array of flowers is picture perfect!Love the pops of yellow everywhere, the white pitcher filled with sunflowers look soooo beautiful! And the bird nest is so cute in the setting.... lovely post!Thanks for inviting us to take a peek and for your sweet note. Have a wonderful evening!~Poppy

  42. The flowers are just beautiful in your garden! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  43. Barbara, I've been visiting my new grandson and am behind on my blog visiting ... but I am SO glad I went back and saw this tablescape. What fantastic colors and textures -- and the last pic is perfect!


Thank you so much for visiting with me today. I would love to hear from you.