Tuesday, May 1, 2012

black and white...

I have loved photography for as long as I can remember. The first roll of film I ever shot was black and white. In the old days, before digital, I would make a plan of how I would shoot a roll of black and white film loaded into my camera, not wanting to waste a shot. When I got a second camera, it was the ultimate luxury to have color film in one and black and white in another. Black and white is timeless. The image is raw. Without any distraction of color, the eye goes to the form, the texture, the essence of the photograph. Tracey Clark is starting her Picture Black and White workshop on May 3. I'll be there and hope that anyone who loves black and white will join us.


  1. That is one awesome camera, great image! You're absolutely right, b&w is timeless... and classy!

  2. Gorgeous image! And you are so right about black and white...it is timeless!
    THANKS for stopping by!

  3. I adore black and white and don't use it often enough. Will be happy to have you for inspiration during Picture Black and White!


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