Sunday, May 6, 2012

it is official, I am way beyond obsessed...

I started this post with the intention of talking about the photos that I had taken of a ladybug in a yellow poppy. I had fun taking the photos and wanted to share. As I sat down to write, I realized that the topic really isn't taking photos of ladybugs. It is about obsession.
This is the true story of the ladybug photo shoot.
On Saturday, I was at the nursery, looking for a special bougainvillea (first time not looking at how it is spelled and hoping it is correct). I didn't find it but I noticed that they were selling packages of ladybugs. Easy to justify because of the little bugs on my roses, my photographic heart started beating a little faster. The woman at the counter explained the process to me. Keep them in the frig until it is time to release them. Water your garden and release them at night.
As I went home, I realized photographing ladybugs at night was not exactly what I had in mind. I like natural light. So, I put them in the refrigerator. I decided that I needed to just release a few (I do not want to be accused of ladybug cruelty) in the early, cool morning, photograph them and release the rest in the garden, at night. I knew I needed early morning light and my "ladybug wrangler" to help. I took a few photos and released the rest that evening. To my delight, they stayed around. I didn't need my wrangler at all.
I was out first thing every morning, while it was cool and took hundreds of pictures (maybe more). I couldn't stop photographing them. There were different spot patterns, some with hardly any at all. They bunched together one night on a metal ornament in the garden. I loved watching them hang upside down, going up and down skinny stalks, crawling right over another if it was in the way. I think I am starting to understand why my daughter studied insects in college. Ladybugs, as it turns out, are photogenic, have great ideas for the perfect pose and do exactly what they want to do, at quite a pace. I grabbed my photos. They grabbed the bugs. The flowers were happy, the ladybugs were happy and so was I.
After hundreds of pictures (okay, definitely more), I decided there were perhaps other things I should be doing first thing in the morning.
Thank goodness for digital cameras.
Oh, yes, this is the one that started it all.

Linking to Seasonal Sundays and Your Sunday Best. What a great way to celebrate spring!


  1. Your pictures are absolutely breathtaking. What a wonderful way to spend the early morning :)

  2. Amazing photos.
    I too love Ladybugs and I'm not sure what better thing you could be doing in the early morning.
    I love to feel their little legs when I rescue them from the pool.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Amazing photos. Lovely images!

  4. I love ladybugs, when I was a kid they were all over the place, not anymore, at least not where I live :) I adore Mexican food and all the colors and sounds (calypso) it is just so darn happy! I also am completely addicted to Trader Joe's, and since nothing blooms in my garden I need to mostly purchase. They have reasonable prices,too. xo

  5. These are all amazing beautiful colorful shots! Love them all!!

  6. Your colors are outstanding, wonderful post.

  7. Hi, Barbara. So nice to have found this post (Seasonal Sundays). This photography is absolutely stunning--and I don't use the adjective loosely. I have never seen ladybugs sold, but I would DEFINITELY want to buy some! What a cool idea! Thanks for sharing your photos and how they came to your lens. :) ~Zuni

  8. What a beautiful subject! Those sweet ladybugs never looked better than they do in your photographs!
    What a delightful stop!

  9. Hi Barbara, What beautiful photographs! Given your blog's name I was surprised by the lush and love flowers and plants. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  10. Your pictures are stunning! I love ladybugs and have decided that I need to buy some at the nursery so I can photograph them since they seem to not be in my garden! Thanks for sharing your secret to keep them around! I was worried that they would all be gone by the time I could photograph them!


  11. Your photography is stunning. The colors and the ladybugs make for great photos. Please do tell exactly the camera you use for these gorgeous photos. So nice to meet you.

    the French Hutch

  12. What a cute post Barbara. What a neat thing to buy ladybugs for your garden. And then photograph them for your blog.

    Your pictures are lovely -- thank you so much for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week and it's a pleasure to meet you.

  13. What great ladybird photos - love the contrasting colours

  14. From one fellow-obsesser to another, I can SO relate and would be delighted to see a post filled 40 or 50 photos of blooming ladybugs! I ordered some online once for an aphid problem but since I failed to water they flew away. So fun to capture with your lens :)

  15. What a great post. As much as I like the ladybugs, I also like the quote. :)

  16. Absolutely gorgeous photography, Barbara! Wow! The different angles how you took each of these pictures and the resolution is incredible!I love that lady bug leaping pix:)I'm also loving your previous al fresco table setting... so beautifully put together. I love how you mixed the pretty blue plates and the gorgeous bougainvillea centerpieces... reminds me of a French countryside... beautiful!Thanks for these lovely inspirations... it is a pleasure to view them. I appreciate your sweet visit and your kind note. Have a lovely day!Hugs,Poppy

  17. How fun! What gorgeous photos!
    I will admit I was feeling a bit obsessed yesterday as I lay on my stomach taking hundreds of photos of big fat bumble bees enjoying themselves in the bugle-weed. Unfortunately my photos didn't come out as good as yours ...but it was fun!

  18. Well aren't these photos the best!! I love that you can buy ladybugs and how fun that they cooperated for your 100+ shots. Hugs!!

  19. What a great idea you had! These photos turned out beautifully.

  20. Oh Wow! Such gorgeous photos Barbara! I find ladybugs inside our house all the time lately...not sure why! Have a lovely week! Angie xo

  21. Fabulous photos, gorgeous flowers and love the ladybug...Christine

  22. I love ladybugs. Just about the only bug I can truly say I love. Your pictures are awesome.

  23. Such a delight to stop by and enjoy your gorgeous photography! It is most beautiful! Lady bugs are photogenic :)

  24. Love the contrast of the red on purple.


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