Tuesday, May 15, 2012

the desert blooms...

We have a garden, walled in the back. Every spring, I delight in the iris, lilies, roses, daffodils and whatever other treasures decide to make an appearance. I spend a lot of time there with my camera. Surrounding us is desert. It, too, has its own beauty in the spring. Most visitors, not familiar with the Sonoran Desert, are surprised at how lush and beautiful it can be. Trees of yellow (palo verde) and lavender (ironwood) catch my eye every single day. I never tire of it. Along with the blooms, we start to see some of the critters that have been hiding for part of the winter. Here is a glimpse but be reminded that despite my best efforts, I never really seem to capture its essence.

cholla blossoms

ocotillo blooms - The hummingbirds and even an oriole (on a migration path, I am sure) have been enjoying these.

desert marigolds

hedgehog cactus blossoms

Many lizards are out hibernation, looking for some sunshine. Their colors always surprise me.

The bunnies are finding more to eat these days. We see them all year round.

A white winged dove and Gila woodpecker sharing some saguaro blossoms with the bees. Doves and bats do most of the saguaro pollination.

This flying saucer cactus has huge blooms on it - about 8 inches in diameter.

This yellow prickly pear blossom will turn into fruit that the tortoises love. So do people.

Another prickly pear blossom, our version of a rose.

Ironwood blossoms are covering the trees. With the yellow palo verde (top picture) and the lavender ironwood, it sure looks like spring around here.

The doves are spending a lot of time near the saguaro flowers.

Another flying saucer flower. They don't last long but they are spectacular.

This was my favorite shot. I try and try to capture quail families. They are such a delight but they move so quickly, that my attempts haven't been very successful. This was Mother's Day morning, a delightful gift. Don't you love the little one on the right?

I love living among the saguaros.

Come see the fun at Seasonal Sundays, Your Sunday Best and Home Sweet Home.


  1. Lovely post today.

    So envious about your Quail photo.
    I only seem to get a photo of them when they come to rest in the shade from the hot afternoon sun.
    Your photo is the best Mother's Day gift ever.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. What a treat to come here on a whim and find all this!

    Hope you all are doing well!

  3. Hi Barbara. I am spellbound by these photos. It is all such a world away from where I live and what I know. With your photography I feel I could reach out and touch them. My beautiful iris are trying but weeks of (even for England) torrential rain have destroyed most of them along with my wisteria and tulips. I am not giving up and will try to capture some blooms soon and put them on my blog which is up and running now. Meanwhile I will keep visiting yours!

  4. Barbara, my husband grew up in the desert of far west Texas, and the same kind of love and appreciation for its beauty as you do. I'll have to share your gorgeous photographs with him. Your quail family is delightful, but it's the dove and woodpecker picture that I love most!

  5. You captured the beauty Barbara.

  6. I'm so glad you shared all of the beauty of the desert and your garden. It's wonderful to see so many flowers, plants, and sometimes animals, that I never see here in NY. Wonderful captures!

  7. beautiful images of spring. happy to see you in Picture Black and White.

  8. Barbara~ I'm delighted by your sweet quail family!! I would have never thought of the dessert having so much color and beauty~ caught beautifully with your lens. The dove with the woodpecker battling over blossoms~ what an amazing capture!

  9. Barbara,
    Your spring garden is just gorgeous and the birds and wildlife are fascinating! Thanks for capturing them and sharing them with the rest of us.

  10. I would love to see the dessert in the spring someday! But if I don't these photos will make me feel like I haven't missed it:) Absolutely gorgeous! I love the pic of the two birds on the cactus:)

  11. Your photos are just amazing! I am so in love with them!

  12. I came over from Your Sunday Best, and am glad I did! These are wonderful shots--brings back memories of my desert time. I was always surprised at the color that could be found :)

  13. I am so glad I stopped by. Your photos are stunning. What a beautiful spot you have. I am your newest follower.

    Susan and Bentley

  14. Whenever we've been out in AZ, we've never had time to visit the Sonoran Desert. Thanks for sharing all this beautiful shots. I almost feel as though I've been there. (I shot a quail on our first visit. Just one. And that was tough. They do move fast!)

  15. WOW your wildlife photo's are stunning, truly.
    Lovely depth of field in that blossom tree shot and that blue lizard -- gorgeous. We keep a bearded dragon... great to photograph.
    Blog hoppin over from Sunday Best - A Rural Journal.
    Jennie. x

  16. Your shots of the doves in the saguaros are amazing. Would never think of these birds hanging around the cactuses. also what a great shot of the quail family. How lucky you were to be there at the right time to catch that.

  17. Double wow, incredible post! As a desert lover, this has to be one of my favorites. Great photography, and the quail family photo is awesome!

  18. Amazing captures of the beauty of the desert, Barbara! Love the quail and doves -- magical! :)

    Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week!

  19. What gorgeous photos! Everything is so pretty!

  20. What beautiful scenes. I just love the doves on the cactus.

  21. oh heavens....your blog is fabulous! I just found it due to Rural Journal posting....I am spellbound by all the wonderful shots....amazing...I can see why you love living amongst the saguaros.........wow!

  22. fabulous photo's . . .
    and while we are neighbors, our desert isn't nearly as beautiful!

  23. These are some amazing photos. I never knew the desert could be so beautiful. I think I'm with you the Quail photo is pretty irresistible!

  24. the wild life is so astoundingly gorgeous... love your shots~

  25. I couldn't find it but I'm guessing you live in the Maricopa County area. This has been a good year for quail. Not sure why as we didn't have much rain. Loved all the pictures. Can't wait for the fruit on the saguaros. They are so beautiful this year. Thanks for sharing.


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