Wednesday, May 23, 2012

things go better with...

Make no mistake about it. I am a Pepsi fan. I don't drink much soda but when I am out, I am glad to see that Pepsi sign in the window. However, there is one exception, real Coke. If you are old enough, you know. Real Coke. Coke in bottles. Bottles that are in the back, the coldest part of the frig. Coke with caffeine. Coke with sugar. For some reason, Coke has a slightly different formula, depending which country is doing the bottling.

Our Costco carries Coke in bottles, bottled in Mexico. The first time I took a sip, it took me back to being a kid. I suspect that the formula changes a bit. There are boxes we buy that are perfection. Others are good but not quite with that familiar childhood taste.

We are among the mesquite trees again. It will probably be the last time until October. Summer has its joys but I will be looking forward to October.

I have no idea why I am saving these bottle caps. One of these days, I will know.

My brother and I liked to put the bottles in the freezer. You had to be careful about the timing though. We had it down. Whatever that magic timing was, I haven't been able to quite duplicate it. I guess as hard as you try, you can't quite get back to being a kid on a hot summer day hanging out with your brother.

Our deepest appreciation to all who have served and continue to serve. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Linking with Kathleen at Let's Dish, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch, Sherry at Home Sweet Home and Seasonal Sundays with The Tablescaper. Take a look!


  1. Absolutely love this tablescape and of course, the coke too :)

  2. You're right, there's nothing like the "real" Coke! Your table is a wonderful tribute to Coke's signature style. Love the stripey straws, too! The saved bottle caps look great in the jar -- and no doubt you'll think of a fabulous use for them one day!

  3. Oh what a lovely tablescape, I love the red, white and coke theme. Cute straws!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  4. Beautiful setting Barbara, I had forgotten about putting the coke bottles in the freezer. Ahhhh yes childhood and those memories.

  5. What a fun post featuring coke!! Sounds like you have wonderful memories spending time with your brother.

  6. Barbara~ I love your red & white checks accompanying your Coca-Cola! When we were growing up the only time we were allowed to have coke was at my grandparents house in the summers in Mississippi. They were so cold in those bottles or maybe it was that it was so humid & hot, but a coke has never tasted so good since! Love those straws & bottle caps :)

  7. Ahhhhh...the bouquet of the 6 oz. bottle of Coca Cola. We have friends who have an old fashioned Coke machine that still serves the 6 oz. bottles...of course, they are the Coca Cola Distributors in this part of the country. Love your table and the memories that it invokes. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  8. How I LOVED putting "the real thing" in the freezer when I was a kid! I only did it at my grandparents' house, and that makes the memories even more precious. Cute, cute table!

  9. Love this post, love my real Coke a little icy frozen, and it must be in a glass bottle. The Mexican Cokes have cane sugar I am told, but I don't usually get them anymore because they are in such big bottles. I buy the small bottles in the grocery, but I mostly use them to mix with rum now. They will make you fat in a hurry! :-(((

  10. I had to laugh about you saving bottle caps. I have a whole bunch in my studio that have been collected over the years. At one time, I must have had an idea for how to use them, but whatever it was has slipped right on by. Enjoy your time outside while you can.

  11. Such a wonderful post!I think things do go better with Coke! Have a wonderful Memorial weekend.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Hi Barbara! I just love your red & white tribute to the best soda ever! I don't drink it often, but it has to be in glass bottles. A friend of mine will only drink fountain Coke. Your table is wonderfully cheerful!

  13. I was never a coke or pepsi gal, so appreciate those who remember the days and I agree wholeheartedly with you, not all coke is the same!!! Your table is great.. I love the checks and the collection of bottle caps is perfect as is the tray.. a perfect spot to while away the hours. We've hit 100+ already this week, so come on fall!!! have a blessed week and weekend, xo marlis

  14. Gorgeous table, and what a beautiful setting! I remember real coke, cold as you could get it in the frig or freezer, nice memory! Visiting from Let's Dish.

  15. I would love a real coke in a real bottle, icy cold! I lived for a few years in Texas, when I was in grade school. The soda taste I remember from those years is Dr Pepper. There was just something about a cold Dr Pepper, made with pure cane sugar. A few years ago we ordered a case of real Dr Pepper from Texas. While it had the same taste and made with cane sugar, it was in cans. Oh to have one of those in a glass bottle.

    Your table is fabulous. Love the cloth especially!

  16. What a fun post, love the Coke theme. And I agree, I am a Pepsi fan now, but a coke lover as a kid, buried in a tub of ice as cold as you could get it.

  17. This is such a colorful and cute post. Love the coke bottles and your collection of bottle caps. The striped straws really are perfect with your colorful table. Love it!
    XO Linda

  18. What a fun summer table. Those little Jello molds make the best little cake molds, ever!

  19. What a beautiful table! Love the Coke theme and you are right...there is something about drinking a "real" coke in a glass bottle. Nothing like it! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  20. I love your Memorial Day picnic tablescape. Great tablecloth, love all the red and white. Cute holder for the Coke bottles. Thanks for the childhood memories of icy Coke in the bottles and great times with brothers!

  21. I always admire the care to detail that you put in your tablescapes! Love the red checked tablecloth paired with real coke. I, too, prefer Pepsi, but the very best is real Dr. Pepper which was made in Dublin, Texas until recently.

  22. Beautiful and bright.I really like it.Perfect for all summer long.Nice visiting you-Denise

  23. Delightful post! I'm a fan of Coke Cola, but not Pepsi. Your table is such fun with its red and white gingham and special CC details. Thanks for sharing and have a great holiday weekend.

  24. I lovely lady.
    Your Tablescape is beautiful with the red and white for this Memorial Day holiday coming up!! I love a icy cold Pepsi. Your Coke theme was put together so lovely. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day with your family.Thanks for your sweet comments on my Tablescape.
    XXOO Diane

  25. Thanks for stopping by. I love my town and I will be posting pictures. I live near the St Lawrence river. It is a popular summer resort. It went from a fishing village to no. 3 in america. You brought back memories of my teen years with the coke bottles and i love red white and the checked table cloth.

  26. Love your tablescape. A small coke in the bottle is my beverage of choice. My daughter gave me a carton of them for mother's day. Then, last week after she finished writing her last paper for college and I had proofed it, we decided to celebrate by popping the top on a glass bottled coke!

  27. I love that table, everything is so beautiful here. The table cloth and napkins are lovely! Great colour combo.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  28. What a delightful table! Love the straws too! Have a nice weekend. Let's Dish! xxoo Debbie

  29. Don't stop collecting your bottle caps! They look so pretty! Your table is so appealing. I am throwing a birthday party for my husband this summer and I've printed the pictures on this post as inspiration. Love the red and the retro feel!

  30. This is so cool, Barbara! Nothing says summertime quite like red & white checks!!! The fact that the Coke bottle colors fit in so well with it is, I think, more than a mere coincidence on their part! :-) You did an outstanding job with this table! The aluminum pieces are the perfect foil (no pun intended) to the red & white. I hope you enjoy your weekend and that you are able to kick back and relax with a bottle of Coke or whatever suits your fancy! Have a good one!

  31. This just pops right off the screen! What a fun table, love the red and white, and yes, an icy cold Coke on a hot day, what could be better!
    Thanks so much for linking this to Let's Dish!

  32. Hi Barbara,
    I love this tablescape.I am old enough to know REAL Coke! LOL
    This bright red is gorgeous.
    Thank you for your sweet comment about the baby shower decoration. There should be an google-translator left side, above the post topic. Didn't it appear? But you guessed it anyway. :-)
    Best greetings, Johanna

  33. I'm not picky - I like cola in any form!! Your Coke table is really attractive. I enjoyed perusing your older posts enjoying the sights. I live in arid Colorado foothills, so we have lots of cacti, also; but not as beautiful as yours. Sally

  34. Love the Coke theme - I am not a Pepsi fan...LOL!

  35. Fabulous table! I love outdoor tablescapes. Yours took me right back to my childhood too. Such great summer memories. Thanks so much.

  36. Oh, this is totally amazing! I love the coca cola tablescape, it is fabulous! So many memories when I see the REAL COKE BOTTLES...I guess I am old "enough", lol.. I like cactus, they're so special. Thank you lovely and sweet lady for such great wishes for my Sil. Have a blessed holiday weekend. Thank you for sharing this post with us.

  37. Those little bottles - ice cold are the best. It is Pepsi country where I grew up - quite different in taste -but you're right - there's nothing like the real thing! Your tablescape looks so festive out there among the trees - a place to linger and to enjoy!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend,

  38. Your table looks so nice and inviting. Wonderful scene to enjoy a good time with friends and family. I agree with you about Coke. It is my drink of choice in a bottle, of course. Have a fun weekend!!-------- Shannon

  39. Such a beautiful tablescape! Love it!! I know what you mean about those bottled cokes and being a kid. Your post made me smile! Thanks for sharing.

  40. great table...and those straws are so cute!

  41. I love your red white tablescape! The coke bottles are so nostalgic. I think I'd save thsoe bottle caps, too, if I had the opportunity as they make pretty accent pieces.

  42. This is such a beautiful and fun setting! Your photos are just stunning.

  43. What a lovely theme! I love your use of Coke through out your tablescape:)The red and white check tablecloth sets off the table setting so nicely, looks so summery and pretty and I like your bottle caps in the mason jar,lovely way to display.Your use of galvanized trays,red and white dishes and coke bottle carrier is looking beautiful.Thanks for sharing these wonderful images and for your sweet comment. Happy week to you:)Hugs,Poppy

  44. What an amazing tablescape!! I love the straws and those bottle caps the most! and of course Coke with sugar, caffeine and really, really cold in a bottle!!

  45. I love your Coke themed table, even though I'm a Pepsi girl. LOL
    Very summery and very pretty! The bottle caps could be used to 'tile' a serving tray, make a trivet for hot dishes or 'tile' a coaster. Pretty sure there are lot of other ideas out there, as well.



    Found this online (because I must not have enough other things to do) and thought you might be interested.

    Sue : )

  47. This brought me fond memories...not of Coke or Pepsi...but of sodas made here in RI, Yacht Club soda. It came in all sorts of wonderful colors and flavors and had caps of all colors too:) There was always an old wooden ice chest full of these bottles at my grandmother's house.

  48. I remember the little cokes in the coolers. They tasted soooo good as a child. I've given up caffeine and soft drinks but you just don't forget how good a coke was. I love this amazing coke tablescape. It must have been fun doing this.

    The French Hutch

  49. Love your tablescape! Those cola cola bottles are awesome. Hope we get some in San Diego. Love your blog, New Follower. Thanks for stopping by Rooted in Thyme with your inspirational comment. Have a great week.


  50. I was never a coke or pepsi gal, so appreciate those who remember the days and I agree wholeheartedly with you, not all coke is the same!!! Your table is great.. I love the checks and the collection of bottle caps is perfect as is the tray.. a perfect spot to while away the hours. We've hit 100+ already this week, so come on fall!!! have a blessed week and weekend, xo marlis

  51. Hi from a new blogger on wordpress ! Loved visiting. Your idea for this table is beautiful-using simple common things to create beauty !


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