Wednesday, December 5, 2012

on candy canes ...

I love photographing the season. I always have. This week, I can't seem to get beyond candy canes.

"We elves try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup."
...Buddy from Elf

Thursday, November 29, 2012

a little bit of Christmas is starting to show...

Getting to the Christmas stuff is a big deal around here. I don't even try any more. My tastes have changed so there are fewer boxes than in years past. I like a simple look. Everything is in a storage room, up too high. I have never liked step stools, much less ladders so it is worth waiting until W can help me. However, there are a few little things that I have tucked away here and there while I am waiting for the weekend to decorate. These were my antique store treasures found at junk store prices in July. Just looking at this gives me a little holiday cheer.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

it never lasts long enough...

"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." George Eliot
My 365 (well, 366 this year) project -A Photo A Day Keeps the Blues Away- is finished. The weather is amazing. I hope to post here more often. Thank you for your patience.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

if we pretend we're at the beach, will we feel cooler?

It is hot. It is always hot in August. We have been blessed this year with more rain than usual. Sometimes, it is cool enough in the morning or after the sun goes down to spend a little time outside. With all those blessings, I still am longing for the ocean.

Sand dollars and driftwood gathered by my dear mother-in-law. Shells gathered by my dear daughter. I love having their treasures on our table.

Beach, desert, mountains or in the city, where ever you are, wishing you a wonderful winding down of summer.

Linking to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch and Kathleen at Let's Dish. Thank you, ladies.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

ahhhhh, peonies...

The peonies are here. I missed them last year. I have been pining for them for quite a while. They must be the most photogenic of all flowers. I have nothing more to say other than if you are like me and unable to grow them at home, check out Trader Joe's. I am already regretting not buying the white ones too.
Be still my heart.
I'll stop for now. Really.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

things go better with...

Make no mistake about it. I am a Pepsi fan. I don't drink much soda but when I am out, I am glad to see that Pepsi sign in the window. However, there is one exception, real Coke. If you are old enough, you know. Real Coke. Coke in bottles. Bottles that are in the back, the coldest part of the frig. Coke with caffeine. Coke with sugar. For some reason, Coke has a slightly different formula, depending which country is doing the bottling.

Our Costco carries Coke in bottles, bottled in Mexico. The first time I took a sip, it took me back to being a kid. I suspect that the formula changes a bit. There are boxes we buy that are perfection. Others are good but not quite with that familiar childhood taste.

We are among the mesquite trees again. It will probably be the last time until October. Summer has its joys but I will be looking forward to October.

I have no idea why I am saving these bottle caps. One of these days, I will know.

My brother and I liked to put the bottles in the freezer. You had to be careful about the timing though. We had it down. Whatever that magic timing was, I haven't been able to quite duplicate it. I guess as hard as you try, you can't quite get back to being a kid on a hot summer day hanging out with your brother.

Our deepest appreciation to all who have served and continue to serve. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Linking with Kathleen at Let's Dish, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch, Sherry at Home Sweet Home and Seasonal Sundays with The Tablescaper. Take a look!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

the desert blooms...

We have a garden, walled in the back. Every spring, I delight in the iris, lilies, roses, daffodils and whatever other treasures decide to make an appearance. I spend a lot of time there with my camera. Surrounding us is desert. It, too, has its own beauty in the spring. Most visitors, not familiar with the Sonoran Desert, are surprised at how lush and beautiful it can be. Trees of yellow (palo verde) and lavender (ironwood) catch my eye every single day. I never tire of it. Along with the blooms, we start to see some of the critters that have been hiding for part of the winter. Here is a glimpse but be reminded that despite my best efforts, I never really seem to capture its essence.

cholla blossoms

ocotillo blooms - The hummingbirds and even an oriole (on a migration path, I am sure) have been enjoying these.

desert marigolds

hedgehog cactus blossoms

Many lizards are out hibernation, looking for some sunshine. Their colors always surprise me.

The bunnies are finding more to eat these days. We see them all year round.

A white winged dove and Gila woodpecker sharing some saguaro blossoms with the bees. Doves and bats do most of the saguaro pollination.

This flying saucer cactus has huge blooms on it - about 8 inches in diameter.

This yellow prickly pear blossom will turn into fruit that the tortoises love. So do people.

Another prickly pear blossom, our version of a rose.

Ironwood blossoms are covering the trees. With the yellow palo verde (top picture) and the lavender ironwood, it sure looks like spring around here.

The doves are spending a lot of time near the saguaro flowers.

Another flying saucer flower. They don't last long but they are spectacular.

This was my favorite shot. I try and try to capture quail families. They are such a delight but they move so quickly, that my attempts haven't been very successful. This was Mother's Day morning, a delightful gift. Don't you love the little one on the right?

I love living among the saguaros.

Come see the fun at Seasonal Sundays, Your Sunday Best and Home Sweet Home.